Praise "Bob"!
The Anti"Bob" SLAVERS at the doors of sanity, it is the HOOK behind the wriggling WORM of False Slack! Yes, it is FILTH, it is DISEASE, it is time clocks! Fear it! And "Bob" is our only hope! The unspeakable lying bastards are only a tool of Cthulhu, which manipulates world leaders as mere slobbering TOOLS, and KILLS and worse than kills, it is the END of the whole Blandoid world! We WILL overcome! Oh, Living Slack Master, save us! Listen to that "Church Air" and you'll see that delusions are GOOD! Your own delusions beyond ANY doubt sanctifies the faithful Clench. The Bomb, the Bullet, ALWAYS must be shouted like the wonderful BRAG from the rooftops!
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Maybe you need to learn MORE. It depends on how you react to these electronically generated yet DIVINELY AUTHENTIC spews of TRUTH. Did you find them meaningless and annoying, or strangely compelling?