Gregory Horror Show Boosters Gergory Horror Show

Pyramid Review

Gregory Horror Show

Published by Upper Deck Entertainment

Basic Set Price: $14.99 Expansion Pack Price: $3.99

Gregory Horror Show is a game for two to four players that describes itself as a Collectible Game Experience, though it only becomes collectible with the addition of the expansion packs. In its most basic form, the players take the roles of characters who have stopped at Gregory House after a long day's travel. They appear to be the only guests at the hotel, the sole other occupant being a somewhat misshapen mouse caretaker named Gregory. Alarmed at the mysterious wails and screams around them, the characters decide that this is not the best place to stay . . . but before they can make it to the door, the mouse informs them that once entered, it is impossible to leave Gregory House! Well, not quite impossible . . . if they can take control of three hotel rooms and make it to the door, then they can escape. Roaming the halls and trying to stop the guests is Gregory himself, and, as the players will discover, there are other hotel guests who dislike being disturbed in their hotel rooms.

The game comes in a small thick box, containing:

This article originally appeared in the second volume of Pyramid. See the current Pyramid website for more information.

Article publication date: September 13, 2002

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