It's Halloween – and you're a ghost who loves candy!
Haunt trick-or-treaters so they'll leave you their sugary treats – collect more than your spectral opponents, and you win! But don't scare the costumed kids too much, or they'll run away – and that means less candy for you!
Pay special attention to the kids' unique powers, too; each one is themed to their Halloween costume. May the savviest spook win!
The ghost, kid, and candy cards feature frighteningly adorable art. This is the cutest game you've ever played about a haunting! It's scary, fast-playing fun for three to six phantoms.
King's Blood is a fast-paced multi-player card game of dynasty building. Build the family tree by arranging marriages, exiling rivals, and crowning new royalty. Match a character with a compatible member of the opposite sex, and start a new generation. Play the last family member from your hand, and you've won!
King's Blood was originally published by Kadokawa Shoten in Japan. Steve Jackson Games was proud to offer the authorized English translation of this fast, fun game.
Spooks is a fast-playing party game. The first player to empty his hand escapes the haunted house . . . and the spooks get everybody else! Spooks is easy to learn, so kids will enjoy it too. You don't have to outrun the monsters . . . if you can outrun your friends.
X-Bugs is quick and fun . . . it's been called "tiddlywinks on crack." Yes, really. It combines luck, strategy, and skill . . . Your armies are microscopic mutated monsters, each represented by a plastic chip. Flip the chips to attack! Each bug has a special power . . . each army has a different strategy! Eat the enemy's bugs, destroy his bases, and win!
When Cthulhu eats your sanity, you're in trouble. But when he eats your dice, he'll give them back.
The Cthulhu Dice Bag is soft plush, with far more eyes, tentacles, and wings than any ordinary dice bag. He'll hold dozens of ordinary six-siders or non-Euclidean polyhedrons in his zippered pouch. Or, of course, Sanity tokens from Cthulhu Dice. Or cursed jewels, or gravel, or bus tokens, or all of them together. Just remember that to get them out, you have to put your hand inside Cthulhu. If you are okay with that, this is the perfect dice bag for you.
Cthulhu Dice Bag won the Origins Award for Best Hobby Game Accessory of 2010.
It's a 30" long Plush Tentacle that's posable. Why did we do it? Because Evil Stevie likes tentacles. And this one is soft, and furry.
Make it a fashion statement, poking out of your shirt. Use the loop in back to hang it from your belt. Put it in your next haunted house . . . or in your cubicle! Threaten your other plush toys, just to remind them who's the boss.
It's completely posable. Bend it to your own wicked will.