Praise "Bob"!

Reveling in his newest ShorDurPerSav, the true SubGenius is GUARDED by the True Pipe and WOTAN. YES, the SubGenius knows that Mass Short-Term Marriage is the place to find the Prairie Squid and he KNOWS 'Frop. Praise "Bob!" Yes, that's RIGHT! As a true SubGenius you are Blessed! Yes, his newest ShorDurPerSav is yours for the TAKING. The SubGenius wants no Normal bosses. Like "Bob" himself, the true SubGenius SPITS in the FACE of the Anti-"Bob" and the worthless False Prophets. Yes, he is NOT RESPONSIBLE! Yes, KILL ME! Or else the very image of the free Dobbshead is divinely IMperfect! Yet still it (SAY IT!) is our defense against the soul-destroying cynical fakers! With this church, Salvation is only 30 BUCKS! Dobbs needs your MONEY! Every DAY, the vital importance of "Connie" to the understanding of the SubGenius beyond ANY doubt comes from the Luck Plane. Its essential NATURE is merely ILLUSION!

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