Unofficial In Nomine Pages
We welcome the creation of unofficial websites – in fact, we revel in it – as long as they acknowledge our trademarks and don't plagiarize our printed games, our own site, or the sites of others. In other words, if you have a site for original creation and commentary about our games, we like you, we thank you, we'd like to link to you. Send your URL to (Likewise, if you notice a dead or bad link, please send email to the same address to let us know! When reporting a dead link, though, please make sure to include the name of the site or the entry on this page, so we know where to look!)
Remember, these are the works of our fans, not of SJGames and as such, they (not SJ Games) are solely responsible for their content.
Before we begin in earnest, this page is a list of all of the currently-active In Nomine ORCs, or Online Roleplaying Communities. This includes MU*s (MUDs, MUSHes, and the like) as well as web-based games and interactive fiction communities.
The In Nomine Collection – The first announced and most complete In Nomine page, the In Nomine Collection contains In Nomine materials and links to assist the prospective gamemaster and player in enriching their gaming experience. These pages are now hosted on the SJ Games website.
The In Nomine Character Encyclopedia – The first and best resource for established characters in In Nomine canon. This site makes it easy to find out in which book any character appears, as well as being an excellent guide to defined Word-bound celestials.
In Nomine Illuminati University – written by Archangel Beth. "A Weird to Darkly Illuminated IOU can exist in the universe of In Nomine, with a few changes . . . "
The Holy War – a campaign run by Emily Dresner for In Nomine designed to simulate the countdown to Armageddon. Page includes game logs, NPC logs, PC diaries, stories, rule addons, and various writeups.
Genevieve "Maya" Cogman's In Nomine site is the home of the writings of one of the most prolific In Nomine authors around. This site contains fiction, humor, adventure seeds – pretty much anything one could think of looking for – and the logs of Maya's acclaimed Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum game.
Triad 317 – "Fear, Surprise, and Fanatical Devotion to the Cloak". Nana Yaw Ofori's page for all manner of In Nomine strangeness – the Triad, Discord, Devices, Drawings, you name it. Easily the most entertaining IN page on the net.
Made In Heaven – An Angelic Point of View. FYI, FAQ, Images, Non-Canon rules, Downloads and much more.
Sic Transit – A collection of logs, writings, and art pertaining to the Sic Transit campaign, set primarily in New York City.
.45 Caliber Angel – Being a chronicle of the Angel Marlael, this is an excellent series of In Nomine fiction by Benjamin D. Hutchins (of Eyrie Productions fame).
In Nomine 2070 – ". . . He made the stars also." Philip Moyer's In Nomine Pseudo-Campaign and Campaign Setting. Check out also Phil's In Nomine art page.
Somnus – Damien McGurrell's In Nomine resource site, with new Superiors, Discords, and more – as well as a write-up of In Nomine: Dublin. Check out also The Divine Will, Damien's current In Nomine campaign.
Jerry Grayson brings us some interesting new material for In Nomine, including a set of Live-Action rules!
Liber Licentiae Moeticae, Maurice Lane's In Nomine site, including various alternate rules, Discords, Superiors, and the Oops! Cycle. Moe's site also includes the fabled Blackwing Novalis.
Cameron McCurry's In Nomine site contains a host of personal visions of In Nomine, including a campaign setting, several NPCs, and even a smattering of fiction.
It's Always Personal, William Keith's site, includes setting information, several game seeds, logs from a personal game, and the beginnings of rules for an In Nomine CCG.
Making All Things New is the website for Rhodri James's In Nomine game, including character write-ups and game logs.
Morning Star Ascendant: An easy to access site, which has a large number of plot seeds and a unique take on Golems and Gargoyles in the war for humanity. Put together by Casiopia with various pieces by other In Nomine mailing list members who have no place to put their own ideas.
In Nomine LiveJournal: Damien McGurrell has set up an In Nomine LiveJournal site, for further discussion and idea-generation in the In Nomine vein. It's just getting started, so drop by and check it out!
The Angel of The, the Demon of But. Just . . . go read them.
Liber Attercap is the revitalization of Erich "Attercap" Arendall's In Nomine website, "Touched By An Impudite," infused with a collection of new content, including new settings, superiors and adventure seeds. It's also home to the live Internet In Nomine campaign, Daybreak.
In Nomine: In the Name of the Light is a campaign set in San Francisco with a slightly alternate history.

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