When I grow up, I want to be an Ofanite!
What does it take for a Reliever to fledge into a Wheel? What is
Heaven looking for when they start mulling over which Reliever is best
suited for this job?
Not very much. But what they want asks a lot.
The first thing that the aspiring Ofanite must have is a love of
motion. This may seem blindingly obvious, but it's more than a love of
going from Point A to Point B in a straight line while ignoring
Obstacles C, D, and E. They must love being constantly in motion. From
the joy of flying around the Groves to zipping along the streets of the
Eternal City, the Reliever should find joy in constantly having their
wings moving and seeing new places QUICKLY!
*ahem* Sorry about that....The Ofanim's personalities tend to rub
off on you if you hang around them long enough.
The first quality is easy enough to find in Relievers though. They
are the ones who push ahead of everyone else like excitable children
when an angel needs a message delivered. They are the ones who are
talking so fast that people wonder if the local espresso warehouses are
missing a shipment. A wise angel takes these Relievers aside and
focuses their energies on doing something at all times.
The second trait that is necessary is an ability to process
information just as rapidly. An Ofanite in Celestial form is impressive
when it blazes across the sky but in Corporeal Form it's going to smack
into walls, cars, people, telephone poles... You get the idea. A Wheel
needs to be able to move fast, but they need to be aware of the world
around them. They need to know if they can clear that barrier or if
they should go around it. And they need to know within a heartbeat (Of
course, the average Ofanite's heartbeat is around 120 beats per second
which makes this even more impressive). Basically, a Reliever that
wants to be a Wheel needs to be fast on his mind as well as his feet
(Wings, whatever).
So when you put those two things together, you get a Reliever with
boundless energy, a need to move and the ability to zip around corners
with a smoothness and confidence that leave people speechless. The
final tests for them are fascinating to watch as well. A Reliever is
given a task of delivering a message to someone within a set time
frame. Searching the usual spots proves useless and no one knows where
the person is. Within a few minutes of this, something is triggered
inside of the Reliever. They begin to look within themselves and then
send that energy outwards. Without knowing how, they just know that the
person they are looking for is..right...THERE!
By the time the Reliever makes it to the person, their bodies have
begun a shift in mind and body as the Symphony opens up for them in a
way that they have never really felt. And shortly thereafter, Heaven
welcomes a new Ofanite into it's service.
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