Just let me explain this a bit before you tell me that I'm crazy. If
afterwards you still think it is ridiculous... Well, then it's your
choice. I'll leave you alone afterwards if you want?
Okay, let's just talk about Forces for a minute.
When a Celestial is stripped off all its Corporeal forces then it can
no longer manifest on the Corporeal plane. There is a simple enough
reason behind that if you think about. Those Forces are the anchor
which lets the Celestial in question have a foot hold into that part of
the Symphony.
Now, imagine that somehow that Celestial been in Vessel at the time
this occurred. They would leave it behind them, just an empty shell
from which the essential "them" had departed as they were kicked out
of the Corporeal region of the Symphony. Right?
Couldn't somebody could keep the body alive if they really tried then?
Put it on life-support and it should sit there quite nicely without an
"occupant" lie any lump of living meat.
Now, obviously the body couldn't do anything at all could it now? After
all, it has no mind at all. On the other hand, if you could somehow
path some Ethereal Forces in there and a couple of Corporeal ones to
let it control the body...
Well, wouldn't that be something suspiciously like a Remnant?
From this point of view, soul-killing somebody would be just making
them loose their grip on the Symphony as a whole wouldn't it? Each
Celestial Force stripped would be another bits of "them" exiled from
the Symphony.
Wait a moment, aren't those Forces the very embodiment of Perception
and Will though?
Imagine being trapped, just out of reach of a glorious warmth, a
fraction beyond the Symphony you knew. To be able to see it there in
front of you, maddeningly close but still beyond your grasp. You never
know anything except for the moment so you mindlessly push against
whatever is keeping you out, never able to even -think- of doing
anything else.
As the War goes on, more and more Celestials loose Celestial Force or
are even soul-killed.
More and more might find themselves trapped "on the other side of the
glass" and straining to get back in. Millions of shards of "I" and "me"
doing nothing but push.
Eventually something is going to give.
Think about it.
Still think I'm crazy?
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