Consider Vapula

By Glenn Brown


I want to know the mind of God.

In the final analysis, it's the only goal that really matters, isn't it? But like all truly sacred quests, (and seeking to understand God is the ultimate sacred quest) it can only be achieved in a spirit of humility. Humility. It's not a word most of my peers in Heaven or Hell would associate with me, is it? But that just goes to show that most of them haven't spent much time in the lab. Oh, Jean has, but Jean got handed the laws of nature right at the start. Jean has never spent decades trying to invent machines which utilize physical phenomena which are later discovered to be nonexistent. For instance, when I think of the years I spent working on luminiferous ether... and don't even ask about turning lead into gold.

I'm a Habbalite, so I can easily manipulate the minds of those around me. But when you're trying to make a machine work, you soon learn that having the ability to shape emotion doesn't amount to much. Most Habbalah quickly discover that the quickest way to whip humans into line is to punish them when they fail to please you. But until very recently, trying to get a machine to do what you want by punishing it was an exercise in futility.

You actually have to understand things about how the world really operates to get machines to do what you want.

And trying to hold on to a theory which doesn't really explain the phenomena doesn't work either. Either you understand the phenomena you're trying to control, or you don't. And the more you learn, the more you understand; the more you realize how much more you don't yet comprehend.

That's why the intensive study of science and technology tends to teach even the most arrogant of pupils a little humility. Technological progress frequently requires that an inventor set aside his assumptions and preconceptions, and really consider the physical evidence.

None of my peers in either Heaven or Hell have had their noses rubbed in the fact that they are wrong about something as often as I have. And that is why I can see how they are allowing their own preconceptions to get in the way of their understanding of God. For instance, the so called Archangels in Heaven... they are so certain that God wants them to defeat Hell and end the War. There's no room for doubt in their minds on that score. So they never ask themselves obvious questions, like, if God wants the War to end, why doesn't he end it Himself? And when you really press them for an explanation for what God is really like, they are quickly reduced to saying that God is "ineffable". If Yves' Dictionary doesn't define "Ineffable" as "a word used by someone who has no idea what the answer is, but who doesn't want to admit it", it should.

One of the smartest things a human ever said was, "The world is not only stranger than we imagine, it's stranger than we can imagine." That's something we should consider when we try to understand God. We have to explore the widest possible range of hypothesis. That, incidentally, is why most of my experiments fail. They fail because I am prepared to experimentally explore theories which seem utterly absurd to everyone, including me. I do this because sometimes, not often, but sometimes, the utterly absurd turns out to be the truth.

So when we do find the truth about God, what is it likely to be? Who knows at this stage? Maybe God really is an Ethereal? Maybe God isn't a Habbalite? We can't say yet. But I'm sure that I will be the Celestial who learns the truth. Because I'm the only one who knows that he doesn't already know the answers.


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