"The body is a temple" and few angels understand this
as well as Brya does. Unfortunately for Brya few
humans understand this concept as well. As a Seraph of
Zadkiel he used his resonance to find people abusing
their bodies and get them to stop. He also liked to
help folks figure out new ways of keeping themselves
healthy, whether it be new medicines, better
sanitation, or regular exercise. Brya was content with
his job up until the dark ages. Everything was going
smoothly when bubonic plague started rolling in. At
first, it seemed insurmountable. Everywhere he went
piles of the dead waited for him. Those who remained
were locking themselves up in fear. Paranoia and
hypochondria spread faster than the black death
itself. At first, Brya thought that maybe the virus
would run its course and fade away. So he did what he
could where he could and let things be. But then came
the Flagellants. Those damned Flagellants. Brya
couldn't believe these people. As if the plague wasn't
spreading fast enough before, here were these zealots
wandering the country-side whipping themselves to
"purge the evil" but doing the same to others,
infecting perfectly healthy people. Attempting to work
his way around these fanatics, Brya sought physicians
and scholars and clergymen to find cures and hold
communities together. To this end he was appointed
nearly two dozen angels and quite a number of
relievers. Eventually, their efforts helped pull them
through this dark era and into a new age of medicine.
On top of this Brya was blessed as Angel of
Gesundheit, Protector of Salubriousness. But there was
still the problem of the Flagellants. Despite the
populaces disdain for them,the overall disapproving
attitude, and condemnation of the church Brya still
couldn't keep from confronting them himself. When he
found a group flogging themselves and beating a group
of gypsies to death in a small town outside the Black
Forest he planned to show them exactly what Heaven
thought of their "holy purge". It was unfortunate for
Brya that they fled into the nearby darkness, and even
more unfortunate Brya gave pursuit. Once inside he
lost all sense of direction and was ambushed in his
confusion. Corporeal death was the mercy given to him.
In Heaven, Zadkiel could give little sympathy; Brya's
trauma lasted four centuries. Finally waking in the
eighteenth century he took stock and reevaluated his
battle plan. Walking amongst the people, dispersing
home remedies was fine, sure, but it wasn't fighting
this new battle of sickness. Besides, with the
Falgellants gone his mind wouldn't be preoccupied with
their insanities. The new battleground would be in
hospitals and labratories and pharmacies the world
over. And so it's been for the past three centuries.
Brya's been hard at work making cures and concocting
new health care systems and designing exercise
programs. He and his angels are responsible for pretty
much everything from nation-wide pharmaceutical chains
to Your Local Ab Freak to health food crazes.
There are a couple problems though. He's still
battling new plagues and epidemics, but Brya's very,
very disturbed by the Black Death's return. It's not
that he doesn't know how to battle it or that man
isn't intelligent enough to do it himself, it's the
rumors of Flagellants. Only, they're not publicly
beating themselves. He's hearing stories about cults
dedicated to De Sade taking up flagellant belief. He's
hearing stories about people purposely poisoning
themselves and then contaminating others. He's hearing
stories about how they are organizing together to
spread disease and plague. Brya's not happy about
these "rumors", so he's taken to the streets again and
doesn't like what he sees. His programs seem to do
nothing, his cures are taken for granted and kept from
where they are needed and people embody a mockery of
his word by overdoing it or not at all, and someone
seems to be leaving signs of openly mocking him. Once
Brya finishes his reassessment of his word on Earth
he's going to kill those Vampires tailing him, find
and cut the tick from his achilles' heel and get to
work on making this machine of his work again.
Brya's Personality
As above, he's not happy with what he sees. Normally,
Brya has no problem with a cigar once in a while or a
glass wine each day. But when he's walking around
amongst man. The excessive amount of abuse in health
that he sees makes him mad at even the slightest
indulgence. Right now, he's touring the planet, trying
to figure out what he needs to do next. In the
meantime, he's ripping cigarettes out of people's
mouths and lecturing them on their effect. He's making
barflies go to AA. He's literally chasing fat people.
He's force-feeding thin people. He's working the lazy.
He's essentially power-training the populace. But he's
looking for two distinct types of people, both commit
self-mutilation. The first are people who derive
pleasure or satisfaction or redemption or whatever
from it. Brya has a sort of angry compassion for those
people. He can't understand why they would do that to
themselves when their body screams out in pain. He
tries to make them see the truth; they are hurting
themselves in ways that are unhealthy, in ways that
are against the natural truth of their bodies. The
second are those who do it because they have
Flagellant beliefs and connections. Brya thinks that
they have become an underground cult and are actively
attempting to destroy him. He has only shared this
with three others. One of his trusted Soldiers, one of
his associates an Elohite of Emotional Health, and
Zadkiel. All three rang of disbelief and fear the
worst for their friend. But Brya knows better.
Something's hunting him and he's going to find out
very soon.
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