Clueless (adj): lacking understanding or knowledge.
Whenever the affected celestial makes a d666 roll, if the base roll is below twice the level of the Discord, the celestial must act in a wholly inappropriate manner, as determined by the GM (with the player's input). This does not mean he automatically fails the roll.
For example: Mervin, a Calabite, is rolling against his Agility while trying to dodge the hail of bullets that a team of Laurence's Malakim are sending his way. He rolls a 5. He has Clueless/3 and therefore fails (his Clueless target number was 6) but succeeds at his Agility roll (GM determined that he needed a 4 or better to escape). While crouching behind the thick concrete wall keeping death at bay, he comments to the Impudite cowering in fear beside him, "Geez, what's their problem?"
Incidentally, there is no truth to the rumor that Lilim with this Discord turn into valley girls.
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