These songs are recent discoveries of Saminga, and are now being taught
freely to his Servitors. Few outside of his Servitors know these Songs.
All except Celestial have a Duration of CD Hours.
Corporeal: This song allows the performer to enhance the physical
abilities of a single undead. The undead will have its Strength
and Agility improved by the amount of Essence spent.
Ethereal: This song allows the performer to impose his will upon a
number of undead equal to the amount of Essence spent. The undead
subjects must make a Will roll at a penalty equal to the performer's
Ethereal Forces, or else he will obey all the demon's orders until the
Song's duration ends.
Celestial: Upon singing this song before a single undead subject,
the performer creates a sample item of the undead's need (a cup of
blood, a human liver, etc). This specially created item, when consumed
by that undead (and only that undead), will sustain his Need for a
duration of CD days before he needs to meet it again.
Bonus: Death
Available: Saminga
Essence Requirment: 1
Degree of Disturbance: The check digit plus the undead's total Forces.
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