Why stop at one Tether?
Kobal has a Tether at the amusement park.
Andrealphus at the Hotel.
Jordi at the Zoo
Janus at the waterslide
Asmodeus at the miniature golf.
Novalis at the garden/florist.
David at the jewelers.
Eli at the Eastern knic-knacks store.
Jean at the Radio Shack.
Laurence at the cutlery shop (knives, etc...)
Michael at the Laser Tag playground
Yves at Bookstore.
Baal at sporting goods.
Beleth and Blandine at two different mattress and bedding departments
Gabriel at the security kiosk
Belial by the furnaces
Haagenti in the food court
Kronos in the watch shop
Malphas in the parking garage
Nybbas at the theater
Saminga at the trash dump
Vapula at the Sharper Image
and Valefor in the main court.
All this arranged and encouraged by Marc who has his Tether at the bank.
Let the Commerce begin!!

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Elizabeth McCoy <arcangel@prismnet.com>
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