My Enemy, my Beloved

From: "Bodhi" (rob@v-wave.com)
Subject: Re: IN) Roles, Mercurian, Elohim Dissonance
Mixed stuff of original posts, Bodhi's responses, and Ms. McCoy's additional
comments... then Ms. McCoy wrote...
Frankly, one of the *saddest* setups I can think of is if
an Elohite and Lilim got together and then the Lilim got hit with a Geas
that demanded she work against him. He would have to work against her, unabashedly,
no holds barred, all information gleaned out of the relationship used against
her. She'd have to do the same, or become dissonant. (And I don't know if
Superiors can remove Geasa! Even if a Lilim went bright, she might *still*
have to fulfill the Geas, or become Dissonant and Fall...) Both with agony
in their souls, working against each other, maybe even to kill each other...
Serious tragedy.
On the other hand, a Lilim might understand the Duty that drives an
Elohite (it's like being Geased to the Symphony's will) enough that, if
they both survived, they could get back together. Maybe.
Now THIS is soap-opera stuff I could sink my teeth into! I like this
... and personally, I'm SURE that any Lilim who can understand and empathize
enough with an Elohite (emotional commitments always subserviant to Duty
and Responsibility) is going to be forgiving enough to get back together
afterwards. After all, she is absolutely subserviant to the same things,
regarding her geasae (sp?)
Hmmm... I never noticed how similar Elohites and Lilim are!
Walk in Beauty,
Rob Wolff / Bodhi
And the Creator said...
"Fiat Lux"
c=3.0 x 10^8 m/s
... and he saw that it was Good.

In addition, just for INC, I ("Archangel
Beth" McCoy) add a few ways to get PCs involved...
- If you get the right mix of PCs, you can cast your Elohite or Lilim
with the relationship and then inflict it on them directly, forcing them
to deal with the other PCs as seems appropriate. If you can get a PC as
both, and they get together without you even *hinting*,
you will be in GM heaven... ...except for splitting the party once the
Lilim is stuck with the Geas, unless she's *supposed*
to be a "mole" or "plant" in an angel-group.
- If you have demons, have them assigned to the same case as the Lilim
has been Geased to aid. She likely has a surprising amount of data about
angels in general, and they will have to decide whether to report her (and
lose her assistance), blackmail her (if they can find anything to blackmail
her with), or just watch in bewilderment as she finally burns off her Geas
and promptly starts protecting/fighting beside this Elohite... (If she
can manage to fulfill her Geas before the battle is over and done with.)
If she's an NPC, you can always try to have her go Bright before they can
find some way to haul her off to Asmodeus' lot.
- If you have angels, especially other Elohim, play up the pathos angle.
Will the Elohite try to talk the others out of killing the Lilim too permanently?
Will he insist on, if it comes to face-to-face combat, fighting her himself?
(Will *she* insist on doing that with *her*
group?) Lots of worrying about whether the Elohite will Trip -- or Fall.
Will they try to remove his attachment to her somehow (convince him that
she's using him?), or try to take her out of the action in such a way that
he doesn't have to fight against her *and* her Geas is
fulfilled? Remember -- if she's a "Free" Lilim, Lilith's Dissonance
conditions include things like "don't accept imprisonment except as
part of a freely agreed upon deal."
- If you have a mixed group, combine all of the above and season to taste.
- Always remember that it's possible the PCs will make it *worse*.
This may be a no-win situation...
- Perhaps the players won't even notice it at all, until the finale?
The pair could wind up toasting each other's vessels (it gets her out of
the fight, perhaps in a way that will fulfill her Geas; it could be the
objectively logical thing to do, in order to set the Lilim up for a "final
strike"...) and greeting each other again once the Trauma has passed.
Perhaps the Lilim survives killing her love -- and goes on a berserk suicidal
strike against the nearest Malakite. And the players only then realize
why their side had so much good information about the other...
- If the PCs can't figure out what was going on, even then, the GM can
always have the Lilim show up again later -- and have the reunion scene
to the utter shock of the players.

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Elizabeth McCoy <arcangel@prismnet.com>
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