By Various hands
"Damian O'Dea" (, regarding a thread on the list entitled: "Lies, convenient and not-so-convenient..." writes:
The thread title inspired me to come up with one of my worst ever puns, I think. Which I had to inflic- um, _share_ with everyone.
Perhaps someone cleverer than I could come up with the plot for a story called
Sorry. I'll go away now ;p
Charybdis GreyDragon ( replies:
Ohhh... OUCH! A charming little tale about a Lilim, a Balseraph and a Kryriotate?
and Jeff Miller ( suggests:
A plot come to mind involving a conflict between a Kyriotate of Eli and a Balseraph of Andre. (allied with Nybbas just to make the pun deeper).
[More as they show up...]
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