Even among allies, misunderstandings happen. So when a Creationer who doesn't quite understand how Novalis interprets her Word joins Flowers, he might just create something like this:
The Venus Demon(ling) Trap
"Bred" from Bell Blossoms, these artifacts are huge, with leaves starting at 3 feet long (for a level 1 Artifact) up to a massive 8' (for a level 6 artifact).
A demon(ling) stepping on a leaf causes the leaf to curl, trapping the demon(ling) - unless it has more than 3 times as many Forces as the Artifact has levels. If the demon(ling) didn't freely step on the leaf they get a Will roll to resist the effect.
Once trapped inside the leaf, the demon(ling) discovers that the leaf is a form of Discord Bracelet, granting 3 levels of Discord: one each of Selfless, Merciful & Claustrophobia....the demon(ling) can also detect that the leaf will immediately release him once he has (artifact level) levels of Selfless and Merciful - an important point to consider as the Claustrophobia does cause non-Ofanim dissonance....
Novalis is horrified by these artifacts: torturing a demonling towards redemption is not what Flowers is all about, so the handful of these that she possesses are kept in an incredibly secure greenhouse in her Glade in Heaven. The only reason that they're used is that Janus stole one many years ago, and gave seedlings to his Allies Michael and David: both Archangels think that these artifacts are wonderful - Michael tends to throw any demon(ling) he wants interrogated into them, while David tests demons for Redemption potential with them.
Cost: Cannot normally be bought; however every 20 years a Venus demon(ling) Trap will form a seedpod - performing an Enchantment ceremony on the seed will create a new Trap with a level equal to the unmodified CD if the Enchanter pays a cost of 5 character points per level of the artifact. If the Enchanter doesn't have sufficient cps, the ceremony fails, destroying the seed.
And no, it's not known what Novalis did with the Creationer who made the first one - and Michael & David keep asking, and offering to 'take him off her hands'.
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