This relic resembles a certain well-known award given
out for excellence in cinema. Close examination of a
Statuette will show up the differences: the color is
slightly off, there's the faintest hint of horns on
the figure's head, and at any rate the inscription is
invariably "Ishtar: Best Picture". Statuettes are
Talismans: Emote (adds to skill), and are unique in
that the user doesn't need to carry the item.
Servitors of the Media often use this talisman as sort
of ... a pick-me-up ... for their 'clients'. After
all, the Life is a demanding one: there's all those
parties, all those publicity stunts, all those drugs
and debauchery - and not enough time to sleep. After
a while, it can seriously drain a person. Thanks to
this little baby, though, none of it matters. Just
fondle it a little in the morning, just before
starting filming, and you'll be on top of your form
for the rest of the day. No fuss, no muss.
Of course, the specialized design features (Nybbas
won't ever use the word 'bugs') of the relic ensure
that prolonged use will kill you, but what the Hell?
Live large, die young, leave a good-looking corpse.
Talisman/6 (Emote)
(Adds to skill) 12pt
Activation: 5 minute invocation -2pt
Convenience: Doesn't need to be
carried (special) +5pt
Harms User: Body Hits -2pt
Harms User: Soul Hits
(can remove a Force) -4pt
Automatically Detectable -3pt
Total: 6pt
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