Spectacles of Cybele

By Moe Lane


The Roman ethereal god Vulcan apparently has a sense of humor. He's also apparently been keeping up with his technical reading: this gadget is, well, technological. It should be noted that the Roman god of crafts apparently has scored a steady source of Essence: it may not be agreeing with him, however, because he's been looking faintly nauseous lately...

Anyway, Spectacles of Cybele resemble those low-light goggles found in better military-surplus stores everywhere. However, instead of amplifying light levels, they instead allow the user (humans only) to make a Perception Roll at +2 to detect vessels. Apparently, there's some kind of ... look, only Vulcan's figured out the trick, OK? He's clever that way (although Jean is certainly looking into this).

Unfortunately, the more sophisticated the vessel, the harder it is to detect whatever it is that the Spectacles are detecting (every level of a vessel above 1 subtracts 1 from the Perception Roll). Level/6 vessels can't be detected at all this way. The user can't tell what kind of vessel it is, either. Still, Pagan Soldiers like having this gadget around. Now, if Vulcan could only figure out how to safely detect Kyriotates and Shedim: his last effort (a thin metal glove) worked, but it also required that you touch the suspect's forehead, which kind of defeats the purpose if one of those guys is actually in there...

Cost: 6pt


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