As per traditional Jewish custom, fruit trees are not
to be harvested for the first three years that they
produce fruit. Like many such customs, this makes a
certain amount of practical sense: it gives a grove of
trees a chance to properly grow and propagate.
However, the fourth year is also forbidden (the fruit
being reserved for the Almighty), for a somewhat more
... esoteric reason (or, at least one of the reasons
is esoteric): it helps cut down on the use of alchemy.
The below alchemical creations all require a type of
special ingredient: a specific fruit gathered during
the fourth year that a tree has produced, well, fruit.
An observant follower of Judaism must have planted
and tended the tree, and must also own the land on
which the tree grows. Needless to say, in eras where
religious intolerance was the norm, such fruit was
extremely sorcerously valuable. Even today, getting
the needed ingredients can be tricky in some places
(especially since celestials familiar with sorcery
will know to watch out for suspicious individuals
during the critical year). The alchemist will need
10lb for each level of alchemy desired.
Elixir of Knowledge (Apple) - This potion will provide
the user with one use of the Corporeal Song of
Wine of Youth (Grape) - A bottle of this wine, when
properly made and racked, will make one person
younger. Unlike the other alchemical rituals, the
alchemist needs 100lb of special grapes for each
level, and has no way of knowing which bottle will
have the Song imbued in it (any other wine made during
the process will simply make the person feel young for
the next 12 hours). The alchemist should also know
how to actually make wine (at a skill level of 6).
Dowsing Rod (Melon) - Made out of dried and pressed
rinds, the Rod will utilize the Corporeal Song of
Affinity to detect water. This 'relic' must be stored
in water until it is ready to be used: once removed,
it will only last for a number of days equal to the
check digit.
Traveler's Rations (Olive) - Bread baked as part of
this ritual will produce a limited effect of the
Corporeal Song of Succor: it will only feed one person
per level per day, but keeps indefinitely. The
alchemist must also know how to bake bread (again, at
a skill level of 6).
Essence of Fireturning (Orange) - This perfume
requires that the alchemist know the Corporeal Song of
Fire: however, instead of producing it, it prevents
it. Once applied (six doses per level), the user will
be completely protected _once_ from taking damage from
any kind of fire (if not used, the perfume will fade
after 6 hours, thus eliminating any protection).
Candle of Choking (Peach or Almond) - The wax is
impregnated with both the fruit and the Corporeal Song
of Poison (how even a few alchemists managed to learn
this Song is unknown). The effect goes off five
cumulative minutes after the candle is lit, and will
effect a one-yard radius for each level of the
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