If you're convinced that the South will rise again and convince others
that it well also, you might be a Redneck Balseraph.
If you've ever taken a bet that you'll find someone before the
Bloodhound will, you might be a Redneck Djinn.
If you go to NASCAR races for the crashes (Or to cause them), you might
be a Redneck Calabite.
If you're so excited that your high school football team one that you
make everyone in the town celebrate it, you might be a Redneck Habbalite.
If you address your Superior as "Honey" or "Sugah", you might be a
Redneck Lilim.
If corrupting someone consists of getting a PETA rep to pick up a
shotgun and hunt varmints, you might be a Redneck Shedite.
If you go to Monster Truck Rallies because Essence tastes better with
beer and diesel fumes, you might be a Redneck Impudite.
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