"Lucifer's got big things planned for me. I can just feel it in my F---ing
"And the funniest part is, when I tried to con him into making me the Prince
of Rock and Roll, I was honestly half ready to get my Forces torn to the
winds. I knew I was taking a huge risk, but the way I saw it, it was either
get stuck with a Dead-End word for the rest of my existance, working for a
boss I absolutly hated, or take the risk of either getting soul-killed or
worst, and make the gamble to become a Prince by calling upon Lucifer
himself... And THEN getting Soul-Killed.
"And you know what? In the process, I unwittingly demonstrated the true
nature of Hardcore. It's about not giving a damn about the consequences,
about acting on those dark, negative Impulses that come to you at the last
moment, pushing you to the Edge and Beyond...
"I didn't understand until after he'd left, but he'd seen the raw potential
in my word. Hardcore isn't about Riots and Vandalism and Senseless
Violence... Even those are all part of it. Hardcore is basically about
making buddies with your Id and telling your Super-Ego to go
F--- itself. It's about obeying your darkest, most perverted impulses, and
following them wherever they take you, not for riches or fame... but just
for the thrill of the Dark Ride.
"Hardcore is when some thrill-chasers sneak into a peaceful protest, and
start some rucus, turning it into a violent rock-chucking slugfest. It's
when a hen-pecked husband, after spending the night getting stone drunk,
finally decides to show his wife who's the
F---ing boss by beating her up with his old baseball bat. It's when a kid
finally gets F---ing tired of getting ignored and mocked in school, and
walks into the cafeteria with his father's old rifle...
"I've heard all the stories about those old Fart Princes of Corruption, like
Bitchy Beelzebub and Legion the Lame. But you know what? I ain't
impressed. Not one F---ing bit. I mean, let's face it... They all bought
the farm, one way or another, didn't they? This is Do or Die, and those
wankers were both diers. Beelzebub was such a desperate loser, he kept
probing his Servitors for any sign of possible redemption, and just kept
moaning about how he'd build a better Heaven with his towers of Gold and
!+. And Legion? HAH! Don't make me laugh... Mr
"We-Are-Legion-you-will-be-assimilated"'s biggest accomplishment was taking
out the Archangel of Knowledge as he got F---ed up! Some Friggin
"Now, me, I'm playing it smart: Who cares about towers of Gold and promises
of earthly rewards and all that pathetic Bull----? What's the fun in
turning the whole world into "Planet of the Zombies"? It's all about
getting the Mortals to want to act Evil, just for the Hell of It. Hell is
Hardcore, and I'm here to teach the Humans how to get their tickets for the
Baddest Place in the Symphony.
"I tell you... Once I really get things going, they'll stand up and take
notice of me. They thought Beelzebub, the Prince of Corruption was
something? Wait 'till they get a load of Me..."
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