Free Lilim, formerly of Disease, currently IST
Demon of the Flu
Corporeal Forces: 3 Strength: 4 Agility: 8
Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 8 Precision: 8
Celestial Forces: 6 Will: 12 Perception: 12
Word Forces: 11
Vessel: human female/3, +1 Charisma
Skills: Dodge/3, Emote/3, Fast-Talk/3, Knowledge
(Business/3, Economics/3, Corporate Law/3,
Research/3), Language (English/3), Lieing/3,
Medicine/3, Ranged Weapon/3 (pistol)
Songs: Affinity (Celestial/3), Charm (Celestial/3),
Desire (Celestial/3), Laughter (Celestial/3), Light
(Celestial/4), Motion (Ethereal/3, Celestial/3),
Pestilence (All/3), Shields (All/2)
Role: "Yumitora Samoto" (freelance corporate
executive/5, Status 5)
Attunements: Lilim of Disease, Lilim of Factions, Kiss
of Death, Passage, Demon of the Flu.
Lilim of Disease: Anyone successfully resisting a Geas
from these demons must immediately make a Strength +2
roll: if they fail, he or she comes down with a
common, contagious and airborne disease of the Lilim's
choice. This disease may be treated normally.
Demon of the Flu: as Demon of the Flu, Yumiko may
either give someone the flu, or take it away. Taking
it away is considered filling a Need, even if Yumiko
is the one that gave the person the flu in the first
Rites: Malphas' basic one.
Special Rites: Give a person the flu (usable twice per day)
Geas: Malphas/3
Yumiko was just as happy to see her old Prince die:
Makatiel was far too interested in killing off
humanity to make his Lilim really comfortable about
working for him. Since then, she's lived the life of
a Free Lilim, steadily buying her way out of debt and
using her status as a Word-bound to land choice
assignments. In her time, she's worked for Lust,
Theft, Dark Humor, Greed, and is now starting to
finish up a long-term position with Factions. She's
been offered another contract there, though, and
Yumiko certainly likes the work environment, so she
might sign on again.
Currently, Malphas uses her as a Typhoid Mary. In her
Role as a hotshot young corporate troubleshooter,
Yumiko gets to infiltrate various office surroundings
- and then send them all home sick. Doesn't sound too
dire? Try running a company fighting off a corporate
takeover when half your staff can't get out of bed.
Also, by selectively choosing her targets, the demon
can set things up so that someone already waiting for
the chance to indulge in a little backstabbing gets
the opportunity to do so. That gives her a Geas-hook,
plus the one she gets for anonymously 'curing' the
person just in time to let him or her retaliate, and
then from there it's just a few small steps to getting
half a business fighting the other half. Malphas
finds her very useful, indeed.
Yumiko herself is, well, best described by a
five-letter word that isn't politically correct to use
these days. The Lilim has an almost Habbalite attitude
towards mortals: she finds humans fairly smelly,
atrociously weak, and ready to snivel (or sniffle) at
the drop of a hat. She doesn't really consider
anything that she does to be actually wrong, per se:
in Yumiko's experience, the conniving and betrayals
that follow in her wake would probably have happened
soon enough, anyway. She might as well make a profit
on the deal: that way, the humans are benefiting
someone with their antics. They certainly aren't
benefiting themselves.
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EDG <edg@sjgames.com>
In Nomine Collection Curator