So much fuss over such a simple biological function
that barely qualifies as a tertiary manipulation
technique for the average Hetaera. Admittedly, said
function is considered to have a somewhat greater
significance on the corporeal plane, but that is no
excuse for imprecise judgement.
After all, the primary purpose of a Hetaera is not the
imparting and demonstration of advanced sexual
techniques, feverish Lust-propaganda to the contrary.
The primary purpose is to provide a properly nurturing
environment for a selected human subject during
critical periods in his or her development. How this
is accomplished will vary from subject to s u b
ject, obviously: human beings are endlessly variegated
in their drives, interests and personal tastes. A
Hetaera must adjust his or her methodology to match in
order to work at full efficiency.
Possibly the confusion arises from the standard
appearance of a Hetaera. There are reasons, however,
why these particular Servitors of Lightning (plus
similar groups from Judgement, Stone, Divine Fire and
of course the Sword) usually choose vessels that
conform to their current target area's standards of
beauty. To begin with, it has been found that it can
be difficult to get a particular human's undivided
attention: appearing in a form that appeals to basic
evolutionary drives is an obvious strategy. Also, of
course, once this attention is gotten it needs to be
kept for as long as might be necessary: physical
appearance can be useful here, as well. Concupiscence
really does not enter into the situation at all.
Yes, it is true that some sort of pseudo-reproductive
activity is often part of the job description, but
this is primarily therapeutic, not to mention a safety
measure. Human beings (most notably, the types that
would require a Hetaera's attention) tend to define
altogether too much of their sense of self-worth from
that particular corporeal activity, especially at the
age that most Hetaeras are called in. Assuaging the
symptoms (while working on the root problem) both
keeps the subject centered and neatly derails a
favorite tactic of the Enemy. It is inefficient to
fail to use a useful tool for one's tasks (provided of
course that the tool is essentially ethical), simply
because the Enemy uses a superficially similar
technique themselves.
Still, the particular tool that most focus on is
really the least important one in a Hetaera's toolbox
- and usually used less and less as the intervention
continues. What Hetaeras do is to provide balance:
their subjects are usually individuals with a
particular talent or genius who have not yet been
fully integrated into their local societal matrix.
The Hetaera, through example and instruction, provides
a conducive atmosphere for socialization in same, all
the while striving to neutralize the more negative
societal influences before they can inflict permanent
harm their subject's psyche. No less important to
the Hetaera is the necessity of making sure that the s
u b ject is, at the end, ready to face the pressures
of human society unaided. Heaven is not in the habit
of emotionally crippling humanity, after all. They
leave that abomination to their enemies.
It is not easy to be a Hetaera, of course. Each
Archangel that sponsors the group insists on strict
standards. To even be considered, a candidate must be
able to demonstrate extensive knowledge and expertise
in corporeal customs and history, psychology,
philosophy, literature, music, at least two sciences,
general athletic prowess and at least three languages.
Furthermore, prospective Hetaera must also be able to
demonstrate that they are capable of providing the
moral lessons most favored by their respective
For example, Jean's Hetaeras usually deal with those
who must be guided away from the false idol of
knowledge at any cost, no matter how destructive that
cost might be. Hetaeras of Judgement routinely handle
those that will need a firm grounding on the
responsible use of power. David requires his Hetaeras
to concentrate on rescuing those who have been
ostracized from their particular societal subgroup.
Those of Divine Fire provide support for artists and
victims of cruelty: the first are taught to not be
unconsciously Cruel, and the second are given their
self-respect back. And, of course, Hetaeras of the
Sword have the trickiest job of all: they must go out
and pull out of the fire those who are at the brink of
falling into sin and error. It is fortunate that all
Hetaeras are able to call upon the resources of
Destiny: Yves has no formal servants of this type -
or, in a sense, all of his servants can be considered
to be Hetaeras - but he has instructed his Servitors
to provide them with assistance whenever possible.
It is not an easy task to be a Hetaera, by any means,
but the rewards are no less satisfying for being
intangible. The protection (or salvage) of a human
soul as it picks its way through the metaphorical
minefield that is modern society is a task that any
true angel would willingly undergo. There is also a
certain satisfaction in demonstrating to the Enemy
that there is nothing that Hell can do that Heaven
cannot do better - including the act of tempting.
Thus, there is never any shortage of potential
applicants for the position.
Still, there continues to be the occasional coarse
joke or comment, even among the Host. Really, such
behavior is quite inappropriate...
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