This Discord shows up as a Disadvantage for humans,
too. It manifests as a general antipathy towards the
holder: this translates as a general -1 reaction per
level, but the holder is also prone towards being
singled out for others' disapproval. For example,
someone with this Discord should never get into a riot
or bar fight: if there's a choice of who the mob will
attack first, they'll go for the Scapegoat.
Scapegoats also get assigned all the miserable jobs,
get passed over for promotion a lot, and generally get
the short end of the stick. At level/4 and above, a
Scapegoat can count on being personally attacked at
least once per week; at level/6, it increases to once
per day.
Celestials do not normally react like this to
Scapegoats, but must roll versus Will in stressful
situations. Failure means that the roller will act as
above towards the Scapegoat for the next ten minutes.
Celestials with a Will of 12 do not have to roll.
Any PC that takes this Discord should have it strictly
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