More New Trade Attunements

By Michael Walton


Penny for Your Thoughts: The angel can loosen lips simply by handing someone a penny. Anyone who willingly takes the coin must succeed on a Will roll (Servitors of Greed subtract their Celestial Forces!) or be forced to answer the angel's questions for one minute. Note that this Attunement doesn't force the subject to answer truthfully...

Wages of Syntax: This Attunement is unique, as it is shared by the Words of Trade and Archives. At the cost of 1+ Essence, the angel can charge the subject of the Attunement fines for bad grammar, misspelling and other linguistic gaffs. The base fine is $1.00 per Ethereal Force that the target has (smarter people should know better); this is multiplied by the amount of Essence spent. Wages of Syntax lasts for one minute per Celestial Force possessed by the user. The target may resist with a Will roll, but those with the Bad Speling Discord subtract the level from their TN.


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