New Malakite of the Wind Attunement

By Phillip DesJardins


I was looking at the Malakite of Janus attunement and to be honest I found it a bit lacking. Partly because it felt somewhat forced, but mainly because I don't think that any Superiors except Vapula or Jean would bother with anything so blatantly technocentric, and even Jean would have some of his older Attunments floating around (old doesn't mean obsolete). I see most Superiors taking a 'I've been giving this out for millenia now, I don't see any reason to change it just because humanity/the monkeys discovered something new' stance. With this in mind I came up with what I thought was a decent attunement to replace Janus' Malakite attunement:

When a Malakite resonates on a subject, they know whether or not the behavior they learn about is an established pattern of behavior, and at least one thing that would need to change in order for this pattern to be broken if it's selfish behavior, or what would need to happen to establish a pattern from noble acts that aren't habitual. I see Janus' Malakim as direct agents of change, forcing people to alter their lifestyles (hopefully for the better).


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