Barrow Wights

By James Walker


Although Saminga claims to have complete control of all Undead, it wasn't difficult for Mammon's Servitors to bribe a Necromancer to design a new type of Undead for them. Barrow Wights are created by attempting to bind a ghost, dream-shade or Damned Soul into a preserved corpse, using the Create Mummy ritual. The ritual invariably fails; stabilising the victim with Discord creates the Wight.

A Barrow Wight is a specialized from of Vampire; instead of having a Need for Blood the Wight starts with 3 level of Greed. It also has Vulnerability(Sunlight)/3. A Barrow Wight may buy a connection to any Artifact by accepting Bound(item) Discord of a level equal to the artifact's level. Barrow Wights frequently have attunements; those who used to be Dream Shades frequently possess attunements of Fear, while any Barrow Wight may buy [literally] attunements from Mammon. Saminga tends to kill any Barrow Wight he finds, unless it has sworn allegiance to him, so Attunements of Death may not be bought.

Unwilling to leave their tombs/treasure hoards, Wights rely on stories of their vast wealth to encourage tomb robbers to come to them. As such, they are rarely bothered by Heaven; angels tend to consider the stories of the dead rising to protect their tombs to be unfounded superstitions or even useful fables to encourage respect for the dead. A Barrow Wight may exist undisturbed for millennia, spending the time sleeping or studying Sorcery, before killing an intruder and adding their goods to the hoard. "Hoards-R-Us" uses Barrow Wights for long term storage of wealth; the knowledge of where a specific Barrow Wight dwells is valuable information, which is sold using a Variant of the Celestial Song of Tongues (the Variant duplicates the effect of a Memory Pearl).


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