**Flaming Feather**

Last Updated: 26 February 1997

In Nomine

FAQ: Rules Clarifications

NOTE: These clarifications were gathered by Joel Cardella.
Similarly, this HTML largely coded by him for the INC,
which grows rich with contributions from across the net!

**Flaming Feather**

This page is devoted to clarifying questions put forth on the in_nomine-l mailing list. The only answers we will post will be those of the game's creator, Derek Pearcy, or In Nomine's (abbr. IN) Line Editor, Moriah.

As this list will be quite extensive, it is suggested that you load it and then search for keywords. Due to the length of the list, we won't be able to keep questions in any particular order.

Those answers marked [Canon] are absolute law.
Those not marked as such represent the interpretation of the rules by that person.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: What does it look like to observers when one of the Calabim uses his resonance on an object? Does the target implode? Decay? Burst into flames? The Calabite in the introduction mentions what he's thinking about, and the final result, but nothing about the in-between.

A:I'd say it depends on who the angel is working for. The resonance of Belial's demons burns its targets, or appears to -- neither flame nor heat is actually created, that's just the closest that the Symphony can come to representing the effect. Saminga's Calabim cause materials to rust, rot, shrink away into nothingness. Nybbas' Calabim . . . er, okay, I don't know what Nybbas' destroyers do. Anyone?

(For a riotous response to the question posed by Derek, see Don Bixler, Doug Sheppard, and Mike Dawson's responses here!)

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Could a player buy a Private Jet [Corporeal Artifact] at level 1, for 1 point?

A: If the player came up with a good enough reason, yes. Corporeal Artifacts are limited only by the GM's good sense.

Q: Hmm. So the level of the artifact represents how likely it is to just 'turn up' at the right time?

A: [Canon] {Actually it means} "always find your Porsche in a crowded parking lot in which you parked it earlier but have now forgotten exactly where," as opposed to "always find your Porsche in any random crowded parking lot which you happen to be stumbling through at the time."

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Are all angels of Jean immune to electricity? If not, how can they perform the 'two hours plugged into the mains' ritual?

A:[Canon] The performance of the Rite itself grants the immunity during the duration of the Rite.

Q: Then why do Belial's servants have to already be immune to fire to perform his 250-degree rite? Just cause? Is Jean's rite a handy way to avoid (for example) getting cooked in an electric chair?

A: [Canon] Because that's what the descriptions of the Rites say. For Belial's Rite, there is an Attunement that let's one become immune to fire. So, that Rite is useful only for those who've bought or were given that Attunement.
Since Jean's Rite does not say one has to be immune, and there is not Attunement to make one immune, the Rite must give the immunity. And no, a 10 second high amperage (or voltage... whatever) charge from an electric chair is not the same as plugging into a constant electrical power source. A ritual has ritual elements to it which are constitutive of the Rite.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Why are higher levels of the Song of Claws (page 82) less effective than lower levels? (Smaller claws, lower accuracy.)

A: [Canon] For levels 1-3, they are 6". For levels 4-6 they are 12". That's why accuracy is +1 for level 1-3 and why accuracy drops to 0 at levels 4-5. What increases with every level is the Power (+1 per level).
Yes, it could have been worded more clearly.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: I have a question about the Lilim resonance. The check digit determines the "level" of the desire that someone has, right?

A: [Canon] Nope. The level of difficulty in granting their desire.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Physical damage is tracked separately for each vessel a Celestial has. What happens, then, if a Celestial near unconsciousness elects to switch vessels during combat, but gets hit during the round that the change occurs?

A: [Canon] All things are simultaneous in a round. So, both happen, the celestial gets hit *and* switches vessel. Whenever that celestial switches back, that celestial will find their body in the condition as if the hit took place. This might mean that the body is unconscious or even dead.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Does switching to celestial form cause the same degree of disturbance in the Symphony as actually leaving or returning from the Celestial Realm?

A: [Canon] Yes

Q: Does the 2 essence required to change into Celestial form add to this?

A: [Canon] Yes

Q: Does a celestial going to the Celestial Realm cause double the disturbance (once for changing form, and again for leaving)?

A: [Canon] Yes, although entering doesn't cause double since one enters the Corporeal Realm directly into a vessel.

As a general guideline, GMs should always make the Disturbance rules side with celestial powers being as noisy as possible. Celestial powers make celestials hot stuff on earth, but there is always risk involved -- being noticed. The 2 Essence is added since there are times when a celestial doesn't have to spend that Essence, e.g., transforming in a Tether (although, compared to the noise a Tether makes, who would notice?).
And, since it's been discussed on the list, here. Let me add that switching vessels should be as loud as going celestial.

Q: In reference to "(although, compared to the noise a Tether makes, who would notice?). "
Are you being serious here? Cause this caveat here can lead to some pretty neat cover tactics. i.e. -- kill four people in quick succession, and somewhere in there, invoke your Superior. The angels who come running to kick some ass, and see the bodies, might just assume someone went bonkers, and not realize a Prince is right around the corner. Or something like that.

A: Well, we haven't set in stone, yet, what sort of Disturbance a Tether does. You're right that it's a Bad Idea to let players get away with anything they want just because they're in a Tether; but, it *is* a home base. Perhaps Tethers will wind up only dampening the noise a bit. OTOH, it'll be pretty easy to spot an enemy's Tether, and put a minor celestial spirit to watch it. Humans going in and never coming out will be a cause for a alarm and maybe a call to immobilize and Do Something about this Tether. Again, this is not Canon... yet. Thanks for spotting this.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Can a celestial recognise another celestial while both are in their vessels?

A: [Canon] Nope.

Q: Can they tell if someone is in fact an angel or a demon?

A: [Canon] Nope. A celestial in a vessel who is doing practically nothing causes practically no disturbance and is practically indistinguishable from a human. Once disturbance starts (or even the physical signs of the use of celestial powers); then people start getting a clue -- but even then, a Soldier spending Essence feels just like a celestial, angel or demon, spending Essence.

Another A: There are some ways to creatively use resonances to get clues, however...

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Soldiers can buy their superior's attunements (according to page 32). Can they buy choir/band attunements, or only servitor attunements?

A: [Canon] Any type of Attunement, as long as it makes sense. If a Sectional Attunement affects how celestials of that Section use their Resonance, then, obviously, it can't be given to a Soldier (or to a celestial who does not have that Resonance).

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Are the items listed under each Superior's Invocation Modifiers used up or consumed by the attempt to summon the Superior, or by a successful summoning, or not at all? A Bright Dream certainly implies that Gabriel takes the blood...

A: [Canon] GM's discretion. Certainly, nothing gets used up if the invocation failed.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Can human characters acquire dissonance during play? If not, can they acquire discord during play, and if so, how?

A: [Canon] Humans do not ever acquire Resonances (that we know of) and therefore, never will have Dissonance. Their souls are much more free to improvise in the Symphony. Their nature doesn't force them into certain modes of behavior which they must attend to or suffer a breakdown in their nature.

They can start out with Discord, treating Discords like disadvantages. Humans can't take Discords which are obviously meant for celestials (e.g., discolored). Discords can be acquired by humans during play depending on the situations they find themselves in. A human given a vision of Hell in all its gory might pick up a mental Discord. A human who is tortured might pick up any sort of Discord, especially a physical disability.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Character advancement. Do players have to pay character points for rites granted to them by other Superiors [or] for their superiors to remove discord?

A: [Canon] Rites (and any advantage or power, really) that are acquired through *role playing* are free. If they want them at character creation, then they should pay for the ones that don't come automatically from their Superior. Discord may be removed by GM fiat as a PC's reward from their Superior at the end of an adventure. If the players want to spend character points to remove Discords, they may with the GM's approval, with a story as to why their Superior is being so generous. If the players are paying, 3 points per level (p. 49).

**Flaming Feather**

Q: What is the cost of a reliquary; I can't seem to find it anywhere...

A: [Canon] Being unclear on that is our fault, but it can be ferreted out:

P. 42: a Celestial Artifact (i.e., a Relic or Reliquary) cost 3 times its level.
On p. 71, if the Celestial Artifact is a Relic *and* a Reliquary, and the Essence it generates can be used only for the Song it can sing, then it costs 5 times its level.
And if the Celestial Artifact is a Relic *and* a Reliquary, and the Essence it generates can be drawn to be used for other purposes (just like a normal Reliquary), then it costs 6 times its level (3 + 3 = makes sense! ;) ).

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Well, if you're a Soldier, [some artifacts allow] you to use Songs you normally can't. Or are Soldiers unable to use (say) Ethereal Songs, even when contained in a relic?

A: [Canon] Soldiers (as far as everyone knows right now ;> ) can only use Corporeal Songs, period. They can use Relics (i.e., a Celestial Artifact) with Corporeal Songs only. They can use Reliquaries (i.e., Celestial Artifacts with storing-Essence properties). Anyone can use a Talisman, i.e., an Ethereal Artifact.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Under "Choir Attunements," we are told (p. 114) that "Dominic's Ofanim can hear the entropy of Discord like a wailing scream. Within a number of feet equal to their Celestial Forces, they can exactly what Discord he has, and how much." Who is "he" in this passage?

A: By context, it seems to me that it should be:
Within a number of feet equal to their Celestial Forces, they can look at [someone] and tell exactly what Discord he has, and how much."

Q: However, the rules on Dissonance and Discord seem to limit those afflitions to celestials only. How can a human acquire Discord, especially without being able to amass Dissonance?

A: That's because the rules were written with celestial characters in mind, not human. Human characters can take Discord, treating them as simple disadvantages. You are right in saying that humans can't get Dissonance.. that's because they can't have any Resonances.

**Flaming Feather**

Q: On page 62, second paragraph, it says: "A bare handed attack is rolled against (Strength+Corporeal Forces)."
If I buy the Fighting skill, I don't get as good a chance to hit as I do with the bare handed attack! I would have to buy it at the level of my Corporeal Forces just to be even with this number. Can you clarify this? In other words, is there any advantage to the Fighting skill?

A: As far as I can tell, you're right and we goofed. The most consistent and logical thing to do is to add the Fighting Skill level to (Strength + Corporeal Forces). Even if the Fighting Skill is still at default level (-1).

**Flaming Feather**

Q: Pg. 190 says "Soldiers of God serve Angels".
Pg. 32 says " A soldier will report to an angel or demon, instead of an Archangel or Prince..."
Pg. 32 also says " Soldiers... may purchase any attunement belonging either to the Superior under whom they serve, or, for Soldiers of God, to Laurence."
Does this mean that Soldiers of God all serve both an Archangel AND Laurence, and subsequently can purchase attunements belonging to either Superior?

A: {That is} close, but needs just a slight clarification:

Soldiers serve a Side -- God or Hell. They are directly supervised by a Superior's Servitor. It is possible for a Soldier to receive the Servitor Attunements of the Superior they are serving under (directly or indirectly).
Laurence is charged with coordinating the Soldiers of God on earth. He makes his Servitor Attunements available to them (regardless of who else they may serve or whatever religion they may be).
IN NOMINE dealt with celestial characters. People will have to have some patience for the full Soldiers rules due real soon in the next supp.

**Flaming Feather**

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Elizabeth McCoy <arcangel@prismnet.com>
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