General resources relating to In Nomine.
Last Updated:

- Jamie Wilmoth takes us on a quick tour of Hell's smaller side with a
snippet just barely rescued from Haagenti's tendrils - Ho the Frotling!: A Guide to
- The Arcangel Beth takes a moment out from her busy schedule to give
us a sample of Hell's Bright Lilim
- Some explanatory fiction from Eric Alfred Burns on what it's like to
Fall from the Truth: The Balseraph
- Jo Hart discusses the different types of Shedim, what it is like to
joy ride around in hosts, a little bit of Shedite Euphoria, and how to
keep them focused in: Shedim - The Fifth
- Jo Hart explains what it is like to be a Lilim, born in Hell,
burdened with the load of geas from birth, and struggling to survive in:
Lilim - A Debtor's Prison.
- David Edelstein explains why Asmodeus cannot simply use the Song of
Corrospondance (or any other song, for that matter) to simplu reach out
and yank Renegades back into Hell in Renegades on the Run.
- Casca writes up a fantastic essay which explores the psyche of
one of the least understood of the demonic bands in :The Djinn Mindset. Recommended
- Ehrbar explains the difference, in detail, between Mammon and
- Pee Kitty reworks a few of Furfur's Attunements.
- Niall Teasdale submits a few sins
for demons to promote.
- Emily Dresner explains the difference between the Demon Prince of
and The Demon Prince of the
- Jo Hart, who doesn't like the Prank attunement, has come up
with three new Dark Humor
Attunements - Curse of Sarcasm, Punchline, and
Rampant Hysteria.
- Andrew Frades writes some examples about Shedim and their Hosts,
including a few things Shedim can do...
- Doubting Eric explains how a servitor of Factions might
view his job in Malphan
- GR Cogman briefs a young Lilim before her first trip
upstairs in A
Brief Lecture: Angels and How To Deal With Them..
- Jo Hart submits a primer on how to go about Recruiting
soldiers for the cause of hell.
- Jo Hart adds three new Dark
Humor Attunements
- In a moment of complete madness, Emily Dresner wrote the
complete guide to The
Politics of Hell.
- Neel Krishnaswami extends the original Politics of Hell
posting, and describes the The
Nature of Hell, and why it exists.
- Leathal Weapon outlines Lilith's
Distinctions for those ambitious up and coming Lilim.
- Take a look at the additudes of your favorite six-eyed
band in Kingsley Lintz's Fourteen
- Leath Sheales takes a look at the inside of demon
psychology, interviewing a member of each of the major
demonic Bands: Interview
with the Balseraph, Interview
with the Djinn, Interview
with the Habbalah, Interview
with the Calabite, Interview
with the Lilim, Interview
with the Shedite and Interview
with the Impudite.
- Walt Mazur expands on the Concept
of Geasa and refines the categories finer for better
- Various people contribute to some ideas for Toys
for Vapula.
- Elizabeth McCoy's "Know
the Enemy" lists, 1-16.
In Nomine Book Reviews:
- Neel Krishnaswami reviews the
book "The Legends of the Jews" by Louis Ginzberg as a resource for an In
Nomine campaign.
In Nomine Game Resources:
- James Walker provides us with
additional Sorcerous Rituals.
- Earl Wajenberg considers the possibility of In Nomine Over the Edge, and gives a
sample adaptation of an angel.
- Julian Breen forwards an article on potential Words of Power.
- Pee Kitty offers rules for
Specializations in In Nomine.
- Austin George Loomis cites part of William Blake's _The Marriage of
Heaven and Hell_ as an Eyewitness
Account of an Outcasting.
- Jon Zeigler offers another take on the role of Prophets in In Nomine.
- Earl Wajenberg discusses In Nomine Perelandra in Angels In Space.
- Earl Wajenburg builds Word Bound Outcasts into a
more effective heavenly political system.
- Elizabeth McCoy explains how angels and demons know about each
other's powers in answering the Choirness Question.
- Perry Lloyd calculates all of the Disturbance Stats for In
Nomine in a nice chart format.
- Earl Wajenberg incorporates a system for Exorcism and Limbo into the In
Nomine system, for getting rid of those pesky celestials.
- David Streeter works out lists of possible Fates
and Destinies for human beings, from the most mundane
to the most cryptic.
- Jessy Rooney reworks some new rules governing the
universe to make In Nomine a more cross-religion friendly
place in Buddhist
In Nomine Rules - Revised.
- Emily Dresner contributes a few blurbs about the historical
places of Uriel, Andrealphus and Baal.
- Emily Dresner wrote up an alternative version and some
theories to explain the basis for Celestial
- Neel Krishnaswami writes up some Superior Unorthodox
- Neel Krishnaswami plays fast and loose with A
Cartesian Rewrite of the Attribute System
- Mark Grundy explains to us the four categories which
justifies Establishing
a Role.
- Walt Mazur submits several tables and an explaination of Expanded
Skill Rolls for In Nomine.
- For all you writing fan-stuff, here's an unofficial
stylesheet, so you can know all the plurals,
capatilizations, and such. Might come in handy if you
submit anything to Pyramid, too.
- Using the Hitchcock's Bible Names, Elizabeth "Archangel Beth"
McCoy draws out suitable
names for various Servitors (only of Archangels, so
far, and Choirs and Bands).

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Chris Anthony <edg@sjgames.com>
Angel of Information Dissemination