Fated Future
Ylisha appears as a plump young woman in her middle twenties, well dressed
and reasonably attractive (the sort that everyone says would be stunning if
she'd take off the glasses and lose 20 pounds). She's warm and open to
adults, and also to children... when other adults are around. A few
perceptive adults may notice that children treat her with exaggerated
deference and respect, but they just assume that must be because she's so
Ylisha is a new demon, fresh out of Hell, but she has great plans. Right
now she's working as a children's librarian, terrorizing children into
hating and fearing the library and, by extension, all sorts of reading and
learning. She views this as a sideline, though (albeit a deeply enjoyable
and fulfilling one). Her real job is scanning the little ones for
potential Fates and Destinies.
When Ylisha spots a promising or interesting child, she'll spend the
Essence to use her attunement (obviously, she can only do this every other
day or so, so she studies them carefully first). When she finds something
interesting, she'll tenaciously follow the child, using her Songs to watch
it at home if necessary.
With her Song of Possession, Ylisha can make all sorts of interventions in
a child's life, from administering a beating to changing a grade on a test.
She is absolutely remorseless; if the child can't handle her proxy attacks
(which may involve anything from teasing to sexual assault), it's the
little weakling's own fault. She's also fond of using her Habbalite
attunement on her victims to nudge them towards their Fate (say, by
throwing a temper tantrum at the dinner table, or suffering a panic attack
during the class pageant). In just the year or so she's been in this Role,
she has done a great deal of subtle but lasting damage.
Ylisha would be almost helpless in a fight, but she shouldn't be
underestimated; she uses her songs with a great deal of cunning, and she'll
be very alert to any sort of attempt at interference with her work.
PC angels could encounter Ylisha by being sent to help a child towards its
destiny, only to find their work being strangely blocked at every turn (by
humans, or so it seems). Any angel of Yves or Christopher would _want_ to
mix it up with her -- finding and eliminating her would win at least a pat
on the back from either of these Superiors -- but they'll have to figure
out what she is first. Ylisha is quite clever, and will use her attunment
and the Song of Possession to cause other teachers and staff members to act
suspiciously and divert angelic attention from her.
If Ylisha feels threatened, she can call for help, and she will be answered
fairly promptly; Kronos will not want to lose such a promising servant. If
she has been exposed, she'll be extracted and sent somewhere else. If not,
angels will quickly be subjected to harassing attacks and distractions from
other Servitors of Fate.
Ylisha is a suitable opponent for a small group of beginning PC angels or a
group of humans.

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Chris Anthony <edg@sjgames.com>
Angel of Information Dissemination