"Our Country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may
she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong."
Grudnak is a demon who has worked a long time to see his Word develop.
Like many Servitors of Malphas, he traps humans by allowing themselves to
feel selfless by acting in a cause larger than themselves, while in truth
they are only using the cause to justify not having to think about their
duty to their fellows. It took Grudnak a long time to find the right balance
to make his Word appeal to the mass of humans, although there was a lot
of misery in the simple breaking down and building up of political units
to find one the right size and composition.
In the second half of the second millennium of the Christian Era, Grudnak
turned with what he had learnt to the New World, making an alliance with
another of Malphas' Servitors, the Demon of Religious Intolerance, to push
his more successfully nurtured nations into a no holds barred contest of
expansion. The new nations formed in both the north and south of the new
hemisphere have proved fertile ground for Grudnak, who has continued his
experimentation with other factors that affect his Word. Recently Grudnak
has been in stiff competition with the Demon of Ethnic Hatred, who has improved
to be one of Malphas' better operators.
Some of his fellow damned are curious as to why Grudnak hasn't risen higher
in Hell's Ranks and feel he missed too many good opportunities in the 1800's.
The truth is that Grudnak just enjoys his work too much and hasn't got
the political wit to make anything more of himself.
"Nothing is so delicious as seeing one bunch of stupid humans self-righteously
loot and pillage and torture their way through another bunch of pathetic
humans just because the second bunch of useless humans was born on the other
side of some river."
+1 Wearing a piece of a recognised national costume
+2 Flag of the Nation you are in.
+3 Sing in full the National Anthem of the Nation you are in.
+4 At a Major National Monument commemorating an incident of National Pride.