October 27, 2018: Webcomics I’m Reading (Part 2/2)
Skin Horse
There's a secret government agency that wants to help you . . . as long as you're not human, that is! Its name is Skin Horse, and it's X-Files on laughing gas. Penned by Jeff Channing and Shaenon Garrity, drawn by Shaenon, and colored by Pancha Diaz, it's a sequel of sorts to Garrity's earlier strip Narbonic, which is worth a long archive trawl of its own.
Regularly updates six times a week, with special features (often a look into the creators' heads), on Sundays.
Girl Genius
If you haven't seen the repeat-Hugo-winning "gaslight fantasy" by Phil and Kaja Foglio, colored by Cheyenne Wright, you're just not paying enough attention. Go read it now. Beautiful art, intricate story, updated at full-page size three times a week. ObPlug: we are working on a couple of official Girl Genius projects!
Gunnerkrigg Court
Somewhere in England (we think), there exists a school for the talented: magic, psionics, technological, and stranger things. Tom Siddell brings us a beautifully drawn and colored full page, three times a week. We watch the students grow up and come into their powers, and slowly we find out what is going on in the Court, the Forest, and the ether.
If you were of a mind to roleplay in this background, GURPS IOU would be a good starting place.
Three times a week, Randall Munroe creates a stick-figure strip about, as he puts it, "romance, sarcasm, math, and language." You should read it. There are some running gags, but each strip stands alone. Don't miss the mouseover text.
So what are you reading? Got recommendations for me? There's a forum thread below.
-- Steve Jackson

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