November 9, 2018: 2018 Kickstarter Project Report
This year, we've taken steps to improve our use of Kickstarter. We're constantly learning -- and experimenting! -- and we've managed enough projects this year that it's time for a brief status report on each. This isn't an exhaustive overview of each project; check the individual Kickstarter pages for the details.
January 9 to February 9
866 backers and delivered ahead of schedule.
This project went smoothly, with everything going to print on time. We released the game to distributors in July, and it is now out-of-stock at our primary warehouse.
Ogre Miniatures, Second Edition Rulebook
May 7 to May 25
1,086 backers and on schedule.
We had a slight delay in delivery of the PDF, but since then have kept to our schedule. The game is on the water and expected to start mailing out to backers this month. We are not releasing the book to distributors; preorder today at Warehouse 23.
Munchkin Christmas in July
May 29 to June 4
485 backers and delivered a month late.
We experimented with a new fulfillment company for this project . . . it wasn't the greatest experience. The final package was a limited box of goodies and our warehouse team made sure to overload the box with goodness.
Munchkin Unicorns and Friends
July 3 to July 20
2,423 backers and on schedule.
This experiment combined three artists into a single Munchkin expansion, and we're happy with the results. At the moment, the expansion is on the water and expected to land at the fulfillment warehouse this month. We plan to start shipping rewards this month and, fingers crossed should deliver the final rewards on schedule.
The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition
July 23 to August 24
3,379 backers and on schedule.
We started promoting the Kickstarter launch date about a month before "go" day, and the team pulled together wonderfully as the support kept growing. The game is now at the factory and, if everything continues according to plan, we'll deliver the Kickstarter rewards on schedule.
Ogrezine II
September 13 to September 28
843 backers and on schedule.
This companion to last year's Ogrezine project brings Ogre players more articles and scenarios. We're currently manufacturing the physical rewards, and we continue to post new articles on schedule. The project is moving ahead smoothly, and everything looks positioned to deliver as estimated.
Illuminati Coins
October 9 to October 17
722 backers and on schedule.
This was an experiment with a small, short project and is proceeding as planned. The coins (and new dice) are ordered, and it's now down to waiting for the factory to complete the manufacturing stage.
Munchkin Steampunk: Girl Genius
November 1 to November 21
Ongoing; the in-house production is on schedule.
This Kickstarter project closes soon, and we're happy to report that we're on track with no difficulties reported by the team. We should send the final files to the factory shortly after the campaign closes, which will help us to deliver the rewards as estimated in the project rewards description.
That's a total of eight projects this year, six of which are still open and not yet fulfilled. Those six, though, are all on schedule and we're on track to deliver two of the six over the next month.
We'll continue to experiment and learn, so please be sure to follow Steve Jackson Games on Kickstarter so that you don't miss out on any of our upcoming (Car Wars!) projects.
-- Phil Reed

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