Daily Illuminator

May 21, 2020: Munchkin Musings: May 2020

An abbreviated edition this month because I'm swamped with things I can't talk about yet. I can tell you that the third Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar expansion has gone to print and we expect it to hit stores (or whatever we are using for stores by then) before the end of the year. I've got a few projects that were in mid-playtest when the world shifted into neutral, which means they're pretty much stuck until I can get them onto tables with living people once again. Those are almost certainly going to be 2021 releases; at this point even if we were able to complete them and get them to print before the end of June (and I think that's very unlikely), it would make more sense to delay them anyway.

Warehouse 23 is back up and running in limited mode, shipping only when someone is able to get to the office, but we are trying to get your games to you as quickly as we can.

Thanks to all of you for your patience. Please stay safe, practice all the important measures to avoid getting or giving diseases to others, and I look forward to things getting back to normal (whatever "normal" looks like when it happens) in the next several months.

-- Andrew Hackard

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