March 22, 2021: Kickstarter Reports, March 2021 Update
Welcome back, gang, to another overview of our active Kickstarter campaigns. We run two accounts -- Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 -- and use each for different types of projects. With crowdfunding such an important part of our operations, we use these monthly reports as an opportunity to let all of you -- backers and non-backers -- know where we're at with our open campaigns.
Steve Jackson Games' Illuminated Manuscript & Ogre 1976
February 22 to 26
602 backers and ahead of schedule
BackerKit surveys are now open and everything needed to complete the campaign is at print. We expect to receive the necessary zines, bookmarks, and coasters by the end of the month. Fulfillment will start late this month or early April.
Steve Jackson Games' GURPS Pyramid Scheme
January 18 to 26
1,570 backers and ahead of schedule
BackerKit fulfillment is complete. PDFs are being added to everyone's Warehouse 23 accounts as appropriate to their reward and add-on selections.
Hexagram #6, an Old-School RPG Zine for The Fantasy Trip
November 17 to December 1 (2020)
775 backers and on schedule
The container with some of the necessary items is expected at our primary fulfillment site any day now. The playmats should land at Warehouse 23 soon. We're on track to start shipping the rewards in April.
Car Wars Sixth Edition by Steve Jackson Games
November 29 (2019) to January 6 (2020)
3,936 backers, behind schedule
In manufacturing, with assembly expected to start in mid-May. We're in that period of the project's timeline where all we can do is wait for the factory to finish making everything.
That's a total of four active campaigns:
One running behind at the factory.
One in the final stages of fulfillment.
Two set to start fulfillment within the next month.
By this time next month, three of those four campaigns will be behind us and (if all goes well), we'll have a new campaign to add to this monthly report.
-- Phil Reed

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