Daily Illuminator

June 13, 2021: You Enjoy Music, Right? Check Out Gary Numan's New Album!

You may think you're unfamiliar with the works of Gary Numan . . . until Cars blasts on the radio and you find yourself singing along. Now, over four decades after the release of that song and Numan's first solo album, he's back with a modern masterpiece with the new album, Intruder. A concept album, Intruder is Numan's idea of what our planet thinks of the current state of the world and climate change. This Riff Magazine review describes it as a sci-fi soundtrack and says of the work:

"His penchant for the dramatic, along with his ability to craft haunting melodies over fairly atonal synthesized noise, has created an album that throws the stakes of our current climate predicament into stark relief. The album is both a requiem for a planet that hasn't died just yet and a call to arms to save it."

Check out the review, enjoy a track from the album (below), and then dig deeper into Numan's YouTube channel to listen to the entire album. 

-- Phil Reed

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