June 10, 2016: Announcements For September
Our September lineup is chock full of Guest Artists, and also brings one of the most requested accessories ever: card sleeves! This is going to be a big month for Munchkin, so get ready to stock up.
Bash goblins and slay dragons, now with new art!
The iconic world of Paizo's Pathfinder series combined with Munchkin, and it's back with a fresh look! Be an Assassin or Witch, and take on the great Lamashtu and legions of other baddies. Shane White takes helm with his own Pathfinder pedigree, as the artist behind the Pathfinder: Goblins! comic series!

Guard your cards!
Players have wanted them for long time, and they're finally a reality! These card sleeves will help protect your Door and Treasure cards from grubby hands, small spills, and mini-nukes. Ok, not that last one, but they are very protective! They're also opaque, so you can mix sets with different card backs with no problems. The art of Ian McGinty graces the backs of these fantastic sleeves.
Defend your Dungeons!
You didn't think we'd leave out the oversized Dungeon cards, did you? Protect your Munchkin 6 - Demented Dungeons and the new Munchkin 6.5 - Terrible Tombs with these extra large card sleeves. Delve those dungeons with no fear of marring the cards! The Dungeon sleeves feature an impeccable illustration by Evan Palmer.

Track your stats!
The art of Ian McGinty is back on a Munchkin Kill-O-Meter Guest Artist Edition! Based on the wildly successful Munchkin Guest Artist Edition, this new Kill-O-Meter is the perfect pairing to track your power and loot the room!
You can preorder all this and more at your friendly local game store.
-- Hunter Shelburne

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