Daily Illuminator

June 8, 2024: Add Sparkle To Your GURPS Game With Pyramid #4/4: Fantasy/Magic II!

Pyramid #4/4: Fantasy/Magic II

Exciting character options and adventure ideas for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy! New spells for GURPS Ritual Path Magic! Weird tomes that perhaps ought to be left alone! No, you're not living a dream . . . at least, we don't think you are. (It's always hard to say with certainty.) Rather, those are just some of the delights that await you in Pyramid #4/4: Fantasy/Magic II.

For those who missed the super-successful 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme, the first issue from that campaign is now available separately. It has 11 articles covering a variety of topics. Gain insight from the Alchemists' Guild, undertake aquatic adventures, harness the Orbs of Power, or become a dungeon-delving aristocrat. All this and more awaits you in the pages of this issue. Download it today, only from Warehouse 23!

-- Steven Marsh

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