Daily Illuminator

July 26, 2024: Part 2: A Vision For Steve Jackson Games

As the CEO of Steve Jackson Games, my vision for the future is rooted in a deep respect for our past and an unwavering commitment to innovation. Our company boasts a vast library of games that have entertained and inspired countless players over the years. It is a legacy I am proud to uphold, and I believe it is crucial to honor our history while also embracing new opportunities.
One of my primary goals is to ensure that our beloved games remain accessible and relevant. This means preserving and updating our classic titles, making sure they continue to delight both longtime fans and new players. Games like Munchkin, GURPS, and Car Wars are cornerstones of our catalog, and we will continue to support and expand these universes.
At the same time, I am passionate about bringing new and exciting games to the industry. The world of tabletop gaming is constantly evolving, and I want Steve Jackson Games to be part of this evolution. My hope is to create games that are not only fun to play but also push the boundaries of what tabletop gaming can be.
2024 has been very much a rebuilding year. Our team has been working tirelessly on some exciting (and new!) titles for release in 2025 and beyond. I cannot wait to show you what we have in store!

-- Meredith Placko

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