Daily Illuminator

January 24, 2019: FnordCon Activate! April 6-7 in Austin, TX

Come play games with us!

We're excited to pull back the curtains on FnordCon, our celebration of all things Steve Jackson Games, which will be held April 6-7 in Austin, TX. We're limiting the attendance to 250 people because it's our first time doing something like this, and because we want to give our attendees a really memorable experience. What sort of things do you do at a FnordCon?

  • You hang out with Steve Jackson. Not in a "he passed me in a hallway" way, but "I played against him in a game of Ogre" kind of way. Plus, signings!
  • You'll be one of the first people to play Car Wars 6th Edition - our faster, easier, and no less deadly version of classic autoduelling!
  • Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 (with pre-release expansions)! Munchkin Steampunk: Girl Genius (pre-release)! The chance for Munchkin Line Editor Andrew Hackard to deface your cards!
  • More pre-release games that we can't even tell you about here! Because They Are Watching.
  • Lots of Ogre, and a chance to meet Ogre Line Editor Drew Metzger!
  • A chance to see and buy our full line of games, including many of our Warehouse 23 exclusive products!
  • Your opportunity to catch up on recent releases like Illuminati, Blob Lobber, The Fantasy Trip, and many others from our library!

We've set up a FnordCon page on the SJ Games website to register for the convention, and a Facebook event for announcements leading up to the show. Your $40 admission includes any of our events on both days, and a swag bag that returns to the days where you were excited about what was in a swag bag (promos, warehouse goodies, and more)! Also, when you visit the registration page, you have the chance to buy FnordCon limited edition glasses and t-shirts for pickup at the event. If you're interested in spending the first weekend in April at the TCEA Conference Center in Austin playing games and meeting the people who make those games, we'd love to see you!

-- Alex Yeager

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