Anyway, the torrent of incoming email has abated for the moment so I've come up with a scheme to change that - SJ Games is proud to present our list of gaming magazines! So get ready to tell me who I've missed and mispeled. I haven't had a chance to track down APAs and this is a perfect opportunity of APAs on the web to get a little (mostly) free exposure.
Consider it another present from your friendly, neighborhood webmaster.
-- Bob Apthorpe
(whose only connection with the real friendly, neighborhood
webmaster was dealing with radioactive spiders at his last job...)
PS: Get your Gen Con pre-reg forms back early and save yourself a couple bucks.
See you there,
-- Bob Apthorpe
And, as always, if there's someone not on this list that you think should be, drop us a line and we'll take care of it.
-- Bob Apthorpe
So, assuming you've got the right combination of hardware, software, and interest, you're in for a real treat. Panoramic photos that track as you scroll accross them complete with visual perspective effects. Kinda like a photrealistic DOOM but without the gore.
-- Bob Apthorpe
Yes, that annoying brat is me and the role of Shane was played by the lovely and talented Alan De Smet aka
I think I speak for everyone here (considering the office is empty right now) when I say that our website will not be the same without Alan. He will definitely be missed.
Thanks much and good luck!
-- Bob Apthorpe
PS: So long, and thanks for all the fish...
What the heck am I talking about?
The contest, man, the contest! See, when we whipped up our entry form, we had no idea how many people from all over the world would be sending us retailers. Silly us, we used the standard mostly-English- speaking-sections-of-North-America address format. That is, a format that works well for Canadians and Americans but doesn't help you at all if you're in Australia or Norway, as several polite mail messages have pointed out.
So here's the story - If you aren't in the USA or Canada or anywhere
else where our address format doesn't work terribly well, use the second
line of the address for all the parts of the address that don't
comfortably fit and put your country in ALL CAPS in the "ZIP / Postal
field. Also, if you've got a phone number that's shorter than 10
digits (including area code, if your country has such things), simply
tack on your country code and whatever other random digits the CCITT
requires for placing an international call until you get at least 10
digits. If you still don't get ten digits, put some spaces on the front
of the phone number until our contest entry do-jobbie accepts the entry.
We apologize for the inconvenience,
-- Bob Apthorpe
Chock-full of new art from the lovely and talented Dan Smith and proofread by
Susan Pinsonneault and yours truly, this new printing is delicious
and nutritious. And Jeff Koke's amazing
cover is sure to impress all your friends.
Purchase early, purchase often!
-- Bob Apthorpe
Never to fear, these (near) priceless gems will be heading toward a retailer near you very soon, as soon as the twins in Shipping (Burly and Surly; ask for them by name) coerce the nice people at FedEx and UPS to carry them away...
-- Bob Apthorpe
A handful of samples of the new GURPS Basic Set 3rd Edition (Revised, I always forget to add) just arrived. We'll have the full shipment of books within the next week, so you'll be seeing them in stores before the first of June.
Now, I'm not going to tell you about GURPS. More than likely, if you're reading this site, you've already got some kind of feel for what it is and why it's a great system. This newest printing hasn't just cleared up a lot of little problems in the system, it's given us the chance to give the Basic Set the facelift it's needed for years. The book now has a new layout, all new interior art (weren't you getting tired of that late-'70s commercial clip art?) and, incidentally, a new cover.
Jeff Koke, front-man of GURPS graphic redesigns, went all out on this one, bringing its look not merely into the '80s, but all the way into the '90s. One of his biggest pains was giving the book a new interior style while keeping all the page breaks intact -- with over 80 GURPS supplements on the market, all making reference to page numbers in the Basic Set, we couldn't exactly sleep well at night knowing that we'd completely destroyed any hope of internal consistancy just so things would be a little prettier around the edges. Jeff did the cover montage, too.
Then there's the tiny matter of the lay-flat binding. When Bob first made note of it in the Daily Illuminator, I'm sure you said, "Yeah, yeah, slow news day, huh?" I liberated a copy from the Print Buyer's office -- and if you rat on me, Keyser Soze'll getcha -- happily noting how the massive tome of the Basic Set fell right open, almost completely flat, to any page I flipped to. It's a small joy, but an important one. If this was the normal way to bind books, there would be a lot fewer roleplaying games (some of the most frequently-referenced books in print) wrapped with rubber bands to keep all the loose pages together.
So as much as it's sad to see the passing of those old Denis Loubet pieces, like the cowboy holding the bible up to his chest or the cloaked assassin lunging forward with a knife, it's great to see Dan Smith, who's probably illustrated three out of four GURPS books released in the last couple of years, given the task of breathing new life into the look and feel of our ten-year-old game.
GURPS Compendium I, which is being printed this month, was designed by Jeff Koke as well, and features the same look and feel as the new Basic Set. The anxiously-awaited GURPS Compendium II, due out around the end of the year, will also follow suit, although it's design and production will fall to someone else -- Jeff has been lured away from Steve Jackson Games to the lucerative world of web-page design, after working here more than five years. Send your thank-yous and goodbyes to Jeff, we'll miss you.
-- Derek Pearcy
Anyway, here at the Illumiator, we salute the pudding pop (well, all but the banana pudding pop - they're gross).
All hail the pudding pop!
-- Bob Apthorpe
Yes, this glorious foodstuff is the mainstay of TV dinner America Deceptively small, the frozen lumps seem to take forever to cook. Of course, you could make the damn things yourself, but who's got the time?. Of course, you could always have someone else make it for you, but it's not quite the same.
All Hail The Mighty Pot Pie!
-- Bob Apthorpe
While we were fixing the contest links, those damned elves were messing with our spider, the friendly critter that keeps our site in order and keeps tabs on their nefarious misdeeds. After that was taken care of, we tracked them to the airport where they had hopped a plane for Costa Rica. One day we'll get them. Mark my words...
One other thing - I've got an important message from Claudia, our classy Convention Coordinator for gamers in southeastern Wisconsin. If you meet that description, take a look.
-- Bob Apthorpe
-- Bob (No Purchase Necessary) Apthorpe
But that's not all! Hunter has been busy this weekend, bringing GURPS Japan to the web (and we love him dearly for it).
Here's today's useful link of the day: In case you have trouble telling your kana from your kanji, try this on for size: Shodouka Launchpad! If you've ever loaded a page and found it filled with mystery goo simply because your cheesy browser doesn't support multibyte character sets, use Shodouka Launchpad to translate it into its native script. Granted, this won't help you much if you don't read Japanese, but at least you'll not understand the page the way it was intended not to be understood...
-- Bob "Hercules" Apthorpe
-- Bob Apthorpe
But enough gearhead trivia - here's today's patriotic link: The Voice of America! The site is a bit slow and you might want to switch to text-only to speed navigation, but it's well worth it to get to their RealAudio server. Pick a language, any language (from Farsi to Urdu, which, as I recall, aren't too dissimilar when written)
Practice your Hindi so you can get a job in Traffic Analysis at the NSA. Broaden your horizons! Confuse your cat! This site has a million uses!
Have fun,
-- Bob Apthorpe
Tonight's Insomnia Inducer: The Beatniks/B&W/#415
A talent scout offers the leader of a terrorist gang a shot at stardom. Trying to break from the gang, he gets involved in a murder.
Host: Joel Hodgson.
For the last week I've been having delusions of being Hercules - I don't know why. I'm going to go now; Hercules is so tired, he could sleep for a week...
-- Bob Hercules Apthorpe
But that's not all - the other playtest pages got a facelift as well. The playtest files now come complete with descriptions so the filenames aren't such a mystery anymore. Everything looks a lot more consistent and coherent. Also, I've made some modifications to the script that pulls the typsetting goo out of the files so they should better resemble text files now.
But, just as the webmaster giveth, he taketh away. There was a lot of stuff lying around that there that just needed to go away. Like the Cthulhupunk and Robots playtest files.
It's been a busy weekend. . .
-- Bob Apthorpe
So, come Monday, we should have most of GURPS Autoduel, 2nd Edition posted, provided the floppy can be recovered and the files translated from the ever-cryptic and bizarre Word Perfect format (SEND US ASCII TEXT, PLEASE, FOR GOD'S SAKE USE ASCII).
But that's not the worst of it. Enter AppleScript, the friendly, English-like scripting 'language' for the Macintosh.
Q: "Why would anyone want to use an obtuse, confusing scripting language like perl when AppleScript is so intuitive and reads so much like English?"A: "Because as ugly as perl is, it works."
I really shouldn't get into this, especially on an empty stomach. Suffice to say,
I finally scripted ClarisWorks (don't ask...) to bulk-convert the GURPS
Requiem files into something reasonable (like ASCII, i.e.
what passes for ASCII on the Mac). Tune in next week when our poor, battered
mostly-text files are moved to the peaceful, friendly, and obedient
unix environment where their Quark tags will be gently removed by terse,
trustworthy, goofy-named utilities. There they will live free and be forever
happy, at least until someone downloads them back onto a Mac...
The Horror, The Horror...
-- Bob Apthorpe
PS: Please don't send me snarky mail re:Mac abuse. 1) I don't (irrationally) hate Mac's and I don't play those BS advocacy games; 2) it doesn't help me any, and hence, it doesn't help you any either; 3) I just want to get my work done and the [expletive] machines make it so damned difficult to do the simplest things (bulk file renaming, anyone?). Familiarity breeds contempt . . .
As Monty Burns would say, "Excellent, excellent..."
Which brings us to today's slightly silly link, the National Scientific Balloon Facility. Yes, there actually is one. It's located about 4 hours away from Austin by car in Palestine, Texas. I smell an adventure hook in here someplace.
Or maybe it's just a slow leak from the Strategic Helium Reserve . . .
-- Bob Apthorpe
Even better, we've added a new script to keep the print status of GURPS worldbook pages in synch with the online catalog. This should cut down on the amount of confused and angry email I get when the print status on the pages don't match. Just a friendly reminder - IF IT'S NOT IN THE CATALOG, WE DON'T HAVE IT AND NO AMOUNT OF PLEADING WILL CHANGE THAT!
Man, I've wanted to get that off my chest. I feel better already.
One more special link for you: Rocket Movies! Courtesy of NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, you can view QuickTime movies of sounding rockets.
One other bit of bizarre trivia: It turns out I know one of the guys that had an experiment on Mission 27.132UH - Dan McCammon, the Electronics Instructor From Hell (who's a really nice guy if you aren't taking electronics from him). Small world.
They also have pictures of weather balloons. This is very important because many times UFOs are mistaken for weather balloons. Make sure you know the difference before you go on Oprah and tell the world you've been abducted by a weather balloon...
-- Bob Apthorpe
Extra Credit (5 pts.): Compare and contrast the following objects: UFOs, weather balloons, Oprah Winfrey