Steve Jackson Games GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

Super Sprout

Hero of the Herbs

Total: 475 points

123: An exceedingly "special" super . . .
By: JP [547]
Date: 12:20 12/10/91

This was actually played, once. :)

It was a friend's "serious" Supers game. Super Sprout made a guest appearance for a ha ha-halloween game. (The party had to talk me out of a terrorist attack on a cannery.) They succeeded, barely. Plants are notoriously stubborn.

-JP (

Name: Super Sprout, Hero of the Herbs
Point Total: 475
Occupation: Plant, Spokesman, and Hero?


ST 6 (-30)
IQ 18 (125)
DX 10 (0)
HT 10 (0)
Thrust: 1d-4, Swing: 1d-4, Speed 5, Move: 5, Dodge: 5


Acute Hearing +10 (20)
Combat Reflexes (15)
Danger Sense (15)
Empathy (15)
Strong Will +10 (40)

Super Advantages

Broadcast: 100 mile radius (30)
Damage Resistance 20 (60)
Doesn't Eat or Drink (10)
Parabolic Hearing 10 (40)
Radar Sense 50 hex radius (100)
Radio Hearing (10)
Speak with Plants (15)
Ultrahearing (5)


Blindness (-50)
Legless (-35)
Mute (-25)
No Arms (Legless variant) (-35)

Super Disadvantages

Shrunk +" tall (-100)
. Damage remains normal (+100)


Afraid of herbivores & omnivores (-1)
Boycotts Green Giant due to cruelty (-1)
Doesn't like the term, vegetable (-1)
Frees veggies, when he can (-1)
Hates Birds Eye products (-1)


Skill               Type  Level    Points

Physical Super Skills (& Powers)

Mimicry Power                10      20
Mimicry Skill         PS     13      20
Sonic Blast Power            10      70
Sonic Blast Skill     PS     13      20

Mental Super Skills (& Powers)

Plant Growth Power           10      30
Plant Growth Skill    MS      8      18
Psychokinesis Power          30     150
Cryokinesis Skill     MS      8      18
Levitation Skill      MS      8      18
PK Shield Skill       MS      8      18
Pyrokinesis Skill     MS      8      18
Telekinesis Skill     MS      8      18
Sense Plant Power            10      10
Sense Plant Skill     MS      8      18

Physical Skills

Flight                PH     4       10

Mental Skills

Agronomy/7            MA      +      16
English               MA      +      16

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