Andromeda (Susan) HarteTL11 Rich Kid/Apprentice CaptainTotal: 100 points Five-foot-five. Waist-length red hair, french-braided flat against her head. Freckles. Green eyes. Enough neural-interface stuff to squick me. (Head-computer, advanced implant comm, wonder-glands, and neural interface jack. She'll probably accumulate more, too, in the future.) About 21-23, but acts like a kid sometimes. Wears two starbursts on her collar - one red, one blue - and has a phosphorescent-purple line-tattoo of a compass-star (eight-points) on her right palm. Attributes(-15) ST 8 Advantages (62 points):Charisma +1, Status +1, Filthy Rich, Electrokinesis Power 1 (Touch Only: -30%; Takes 8 seconds Concentration: -30%), Telepathy Power 1 Disadvantages (-40 points):Overconfidence, Sense of Duty (everyone known personally, -10 points), Stubbornness, Weirdness Magnet. Quirks (-5 points):2-star member: Resurrection Club (tattoo & wears her stars openly); Likes neural (& cyber) mods; Naive & jaded, both . . . ; [2 undetermined] Languages:New Garavaran-14 Skills:Accounting-11 (0.5), Acting-9, Administration-12 (0.5), Area Knowledge (New Garavar)-13 (0.5), Artist-12 (1), Beam Weapons (sonic)/TL11-10, Carousing-12 (8), Computer Operation/TL11-13 (0.5), Computer Programming/TL11-11 (0.5), Dancing-12 (2), Detect Lies-8, Diplomacy-12 (1), Economics-11 (0.5), El. Ops. (Holographics)/TL11-12 (0.5), El. Ops. (Med:Neural)/TL11-8:14, Electronics (Holographics)/TL11-11 (0.5), Erotic Art-11 (2), Fast-Talk-9, First Aid/TL11-9, Force Shield-12 (1), Force Sword (Sport)-12 (2), Force Sword (Combat)-11, Free Fall/TL11-7, Gambling-9, History-8, Leadership-13 (0.5), Literature-8, Mathematics-12 (1), Photography/TL11-12 (0.5), Piloting (Aircar)/TL11-8, Psychology-11 (0.5), Research-12 (0.5), Savoir-Faire-16, Sex Appeal-12 (6), Shipbuilding (Starship)/TL11-12 (0.5), Swimming-8, Video Production/TL11-12 (0.5), Xenology-8 Psi Skills:Cyberpsi-11 (0.5), Photokinesis-11 (0.5), Emotion Sense-11/0 (0.5), Mind Shield-11 (0.5). Weapons & PossessionsInvestments: $1,000,000 Computer Programs:Interpreter (Thral), Complexity 4, $2,500 Sleep Teacher Programs:Merchant, Complexity 4, $8,000 Teaching Suit Programs:Force Sword, $4,000 Cash: $1,550 ConversionsFantasyA noble's daughter who wants to be an adventurer, and who has enough influence to get her way (mostly). ModernBill Gates has a daughter . . . She wants to go into something exciting like covert ops . . . (It would be fitting, wouldn't it?) [Scarily enough, this just arrived in my mailbox, as part of some Micro$oft-bashing jokes . . . "For the first time in, oh, a decade, I think, something from Microsoft shipped on time: Jennifer Katharine Gates, weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces when she was downloaded, er, born on Friday, April 26 at 6:11 p.m. " I did not know that Gates was going to have a baby girl when I first wrote that conversion . . . Will the rest come true as well??] Near FutureThe daughter of a mega-corp exec., and an extreme cyberpreppie. She wants to live life on the streets ("where it's really happening"). Mommie and Daddie want the (other?) PCs to keep her safe while she has her adventures. At least she'll wield her credit card in their behalf occasionally. Andromeda Harte was born Susan Hart (her mother is Sarah Hart), but that wasn't artistic enough for her, so she changed it. She'd like to change her whole life some, too. Being a rich grounder kid on New Garavar is so boring. Hardly anything's real. At least interesting people cross her path now and again - like the Resurrection Club - though her mother really threw a fit after the second time Andromeda died and got revived with a post-death braintape. (Maybe it was that she'd volunteered for the starring role in a "snuff-film;" the first time had been passed off as an illegal duel with live force-swords.) Well, since she's obviously not going to get any peace on New Garavar (her mother does not like some of her friends in the R.Club), Andromeda decided that maybe she should try to make a name for herself with real work - holo-art is nice, but meaningless. Being a spacer, though - say, a trader? Go out, get more money, have adventures . . . Now that's stuff that would mean something! And wouldn't you just know that Great-grandmother left her a Trust Fund . . . So she studied up a little on "spacer-things," bought a percent of a ship that couldn't afford to know better, and now she's along for the ride (and adventure!) with her sword and shield and technically illegal cybersuit . . . Typical Quotes:"I really don't understand her problem. I already had the clone-body grown, and the neural-work done, and everything, and it only took a few minutes to load up the tapes, so it's not like I missed any classes or anything." "Of course I'm moving in. I own part of this ship now. I want to learn how the business works, first-hand." "So when do the pirates attack?" "This is boring. Are you sure there aren't any pirates around? Why not? We'd get a bounty for catching some, right? Can we go look for some?" (Back to list of Space Characters) | |
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