Written by David L. Pulver
Edited by Andrew Hackard
Cover art by Philip Reed
Interior Design by Gene Seabolt
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
35 pages. PDF.
Price $4.00
Stock number 30-6541
Always Available – Click here to buy!
32 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $4.95
Stock number 6541
ISBN 1-55634-601-8
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Time for a tune-up! David Pulver's long-awaited supplement for GURPS Vehicles has dozens of vehicular design options and components. Create supercavitating submarines that race through the ocean at Mach 1, monstrous cybertanks invulnerable to anything short of a nuclear weapon, and elegant spacecraft that ride the solar winds on magnetic sails. There are plenty of options for mundane vehicles as well, with expanded rules for building everything from historical sailing ships to combine harvesters.
Vehicles Expansion 1 requires GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition and GURPS Vehicles, Second Edition.

- GURPS Vehicles – Your guide to any type of transportation you can imagine.
- GURPS Vehicles Lite – The 64-page stripped-down version of the vehicles rules system.
- GURPS Vehicle Builder – The official vehicle creation utility for GURPS Third Edition.
- GURPS Vehicles Expansion 2 – Steampunk and anachronistic options by the truckload!
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

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