Written by Elizabeth McCoy
Illustrated by Guy Burwell, Glen Johnson, Denis Loubet, and Christopher Shy
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
30 pages. PDF.
Price $9.00
Stock number 37-1684
Always Available – Click here to buy!
From The Trees To The Stars
With their small size, deft hands, and keen senses, the sparrials are made to order for the GM in need of a race of alien thieves. And certainly, they have a predisposition toward that role. Yet as always with sparrials, there's a lot more going on than meets the eye . . .
A GURPS fixture since they popped up in Roleplayer #10 (May 1988), these furry aliens got a bit more detail in GURPS Classic: Aliens – and now GURPS Aliens: Sparrials is here to give them their own dedicated supplement. The inaugural volume of the GURPS Aliens series covers sparrials in all their clever, chaotic glory. It includes a full racial template, of course, and much, much more:
- Mindset. For sparrials, theft is a source of pride rather than shame, home is where you are and not where you're from, and the smell is the thing. Treat them like short, furry humans at your peril!
- Society. How do you define "civilization" for a race strongly characterized by wanderlust, kleptomania, and individualism? With care! Learn everything you need to know about their ideas of family, social dominance, law, economics, and the arts before you visit.
- History. The lack of huge empires and widespread cooperation doesn't mean sparrials were uncultured primitives until their recent technological revolution. They have a past rich in folklore and legend, and would be happy to tell you all about it.
- Tech. Though new arrivals on the interstellar scene, the sparrials have embraced technology and developed everything from personal gear to starships that reflect their outlook on life.
- Characters. Take advantage of extensive notes on common traits, variant races, racial martial arts, and fitting professions to create interesting and detailed sparrial PCs and NPCs.
- And more! Names. Pets. Using sparrials in fantasy. If it's about sparrials, it's here!
GURPS Aliens: Sparrials is a wonderful resource whether you're a GM seeking aliens to populate your GURPS Space campaign or a player who wants the challenge of taking the role of a truly alien alien. It's also an inspiring source of fun for gamers using other game systems. Just remember to keep an eye on your stuff.

- The sparrials can find their home in any interstellar campaign – making GURPS Space an invaluable resource!
- Use the sparrial vessel found in this supplement with GURPS Spaceships . . . then learn the hows and whys of smuggling passengers and freight with GURPS Spaceships 2: Traders, Liners, and Transports!
- For other far-future tech of great interest to sparrials, check out GURPS Ultra-Tech.
- If you're looking for a different venue for sparrials, consider adding them to a GURPS Fantasy or GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign.
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

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