Written by David L. Pulver
Edited by Chris W. McCubbin
Cover art by John Zeleznik
Illustrated by Dan Smith
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
131 pages. PDF.
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Stock number 30-6040
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130 pages. Softcover.
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Stock number 01-6080
ISBN 978-1-55634-923-2
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128 black-and-white pages, softcover.
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ISBN 1-55634-196-2
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Mind Over Matter
Spies and police who can read your thoughts. New Age mysticism merged with ultra-technology. Psychic vampires. Mass minds of terrible power. Telepathic computers. Gifted children killed or kidnapped by a power-mad government. This is the world of GURPS Psionics.
Psionics is the ultimate sourcebook for psi powers. It includes a complete world background – and the GM can use it as a resource for campaigns in any background.
In Psionics you'll find:
- Unified Rules – the psi systems from GURPS Basic Set Third Edition and GURPS Supers combined into a complete, official whole.
- Psionic Abilities – including Mindswitch, Combat Teleport, psychic vampirism, and cyberpsi.
- More Rules – featuring gestalts, group minds, latent psis, ghosts, psionic combat, and poltergeists.
- Psionic Technology – two chapters of psionic equipment, including psychotronic weaponry, dreamscanners, and psionic computers – even psionic starship drives!
- Campaign Advice – on smoothly integrating psi into other GURPS worldbooks, or designing your own psi campaign.
- Complete Campaign Background – in which powerful psis struggle with secret government agencies and globe-spanning conspiracies in a world eerily like our own . . .
Already converted to Fourth Edition? GURPS Powers covers all of the mechanics from this book, though it doesn't include the setting information.

- GURPS Powers – Here's everything you need to create every kind of amazing, off-the-chart superhero you can imagine . . . as well as amazing wizards, wuxia fighters, shamans who command spirits . . . even gods!
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

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- For more bibliographies of GURPS books, check out our GURPS Bibliographies page.

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