Written by Jason "PK" Levine
Illustrated by Rod Reis and Dan Smith
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
66 pages. PDF.
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Stock number 37-0317
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68 black-and-white pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $19.95
Stock number 01-6187
ISBN 978-1-63999-011-5
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Now the Horrors Have Reason to Fear
When death can lurk around any dark corner, humanity's defenders must be ever-vigilant. Their story is yours, with GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions.
Written by Jason "PK" Levine (author of GURPS Psionic Powers), GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions gives mighty modern-day heroes what they need to fight the world's most fearsome preternatural foes. This supplement includes:
- Ten high-powered templates for bringing the battle to the brutes and brains of badness. Make psis, sages, and sleuths in mere minutes – building a 400-point hero has never been so easy!
- Nine new wildcard skills suitable for any cinematic action game – and expanded rules that make them more useful than ever! Master your chosen field with Detective!, Medic!, and more.
- A completely new magic system – Ritual Path magic – that lets casters try any effect they can imagine . . . with dangerous consequences for those who attempt to do too much.
- Quick and easy powers – Bioenhancement, Mysticism, and Psionics – that give some champions the edge they need.
- Six templates for inhumans. Become a "bad guy turned good" as a lycanthrope or outcast angel.
- A selection of gear to arm the monster hunters. You have to buy the bullets before the baddies can buy the farm!
Coupled with the GURPS Basic Set, this pick-up-and-go supplement is all you need to create heroes for any modern-day cinematic supernatural spectacle. The forces of darkness are about to discover that sometimes, the prey fights back.

- Check out the full GURPS Monster Hunters line for more supernatural-slaying supplements!
- Greatly expand the rules and possibilities for the Monster Hunters magic system with GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic.
- For those who would benefit from more detailed ready-to-use lists of gear, check out GURPS Loadouts: Monster Hunters.
- For invaluable insight into making your own heroic templates, check out GURPS Template Toolkit 1: Characters.
- For more complex options for cinematic gunplay, slide across the marble floor with two guns a-blazing and check out GURPS Gun Fu.
- For more pick-up-and-play GURPS fun, check out the series for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy (old-school fantasy hack-and-slash) and GURPS Action (cinematic real-world action movies).
- For a collection of pulp templates for Monster Hunters – plus an adventure, a recommended-reading bibliography, and more – see Pyramid #3/31: Monster Hunters.
- More inhuman character-creation options – plus information on the fae as a terrifying threat – can be found in Pyramid #3/45: Monsters.
- Discover an assortment of new spells and potions using the Ritual Path magic system, in "Magical Tradecraft," from Pyramid #3/48: Secret Magic.
- Unleash a variant on the techie – the technomystic – along with strange new powers and threats, thanks to "Technomysticism" found within Pyramid #3/91: Thaumatology IV.
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

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