GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

How to Be a GURPS GM: Counting Heads – Cover

How to Be a GURPS GM: Counting Heads

Written by Sean Punch

26 pages. PDF. * Price $7.00 * Stock number 37-0380
Always AvailableClick here to buy!

How Many Are In Your Party?

Everyone who has ever participated in a roleplaying game knows that finding enough players is as big a challenge as scheduling a time when everybody can play. Then, when you finally arrange a full house, somebody inevitably asks, "Hey, is there room for one more?" And once you sort all that out, players come and go almost at random.

How to Be a GURPS GM: Counting Heads offers advice and tricks for adapting the game you want to run to the number of people you actually have. For shorthanded GMs, it delves into such topics as one-on-one campaigns, multiple characters per player, and NPCs and GMPCs replacing PCs. For GMs swamped with players, it explores saying "No" politely, managing large groups, and bringing in additional GMs. In both cases, it looks at rescaling campaigns to match headcount and coping with fluctuating attendance.

Turn "too big" or "too small" into "just right!"

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