Written by Paul Hume
Additional material by Chris W. McCubbin
Edited by Jeff Koke
Cover art by Keith Parkinson
Illustrated by Dan Smith
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
130 pages. PDF.
Price $9.00
Stock number 30-6051
Always Available – Click here to buy!
128 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $19.95
Stock number 6051
ISBN 1-55634-235-7
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Life is Cheap on the Edge
GURPS Cyberworld is your guide to the world of the One-and-Twenty, where the United States is under the totalitarian hold of the Provisional Government, the cities are floundering in their own decay and technology races faster and faster.
This book has everything players and GMs need to explore a dangerous and brutal world. If you're quick enough, you can outwit the black-clad Nerks, get enough cred and connections to fix yourself up with some street cyberwear, and maybe even jack into the global net and poke around for some easy loot. But if the korp console jockeys catch you in part of the matrix, you'll be dodging zeromen for the rest of your short life.

- GURPS Cyberpunk – The fusion of science fiction and "noir," a world in which the street finds its own uses for the gifts of science.
- GURPS Cyberpunk Adventures – This book presents three adventures that capture the dark essence of life in the streets of the all-too-near future.
- GURPS Cthulhupunk – The classic horror of the Cthulhu Mythos meets the dark future of cyberpunk . . .
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

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