Written by Steffan O'Sullivan
Revised by Hunter Johnson
Additional material by Stephen Dedman, Ann Dupuis, Jeff Koke, Chris W. McCubbin, Janet Naylor, David L. Pulver, and S. John Ross
Edited by Steve Jackson, Jeff Koke, and Monica Stephens
Cover art by Ken Kelly
Illustrated by Topper Helmers, Doug Shuler, and Ruth Thompson
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
130 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $22.95
Stock number 01-6035
ISBN 978-1-55634-848-8
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131 pages. PDF.
Price $9.00
Stock number 30-6011
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128 black-and-white pages, softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $9.95
Stock number 6011
ISBN 1-55634-412-0
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Rule the animal kingdom with GURPS Bestiary! This new edition of the popular supplement includes many of the popular creatures from prior editions, as well as dozens of new beasts. There is an expanded section on using animals as PCs, with templates (and rules for making new ones) and sample animal characters. GURPS Bestiary also includes animal folklore from around the world.

- GURPS Fantasy Bestiary – More than 250 fantasy animals and plants, ranging from interesting nuisances to monstrous menaces.
- GURPS Space Bestiary – In the outer reaches of the galaxy, life can take weird forms indeed. This book presents over 300 extraterrestrial creatures for the science fiction roleplaying campaign.
- GURPS Monsters – Dozens of different creatures of horror, both traditional and original, with complete stats, descriptions, and adventure seeds.
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

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