Written by John Nowak
Edited by Scott D. Haring
Illustrated by Kyle Miller, Donald Smith, C. Bradford Gorby, Dan Carroll, Jason Waltrip, John Waltrip, Michael Surbrook, Graham Chaffee, and George "Speed" Webber
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
67 pages. PDF.
Price $4.00
Stock number 30-6301
Always Available – Click here to buy!
64 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $6.95
Stock number 6301
ISBN 1-55634-080-X
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Civilization Is A Relative Term
The East Coast is easily the tamest, safest, most fully recovered region in the United States. There are even a few areas where weapons aren't necessary!
But the region is still dangerous, perhaps more so because of the sense of false security that is so easily developed. How can you tell the safe stretches of highway from the ambushes? Consult . . . The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide, Volume One: The East Coast.
The East Coast is the first volume of an ambitious project by your American Autoduel Association. The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide will tell you everything you need to know about each region, from the roads and the police to the best attractions and even food.
Find out the real story behind:
- The Hill Clans of Massachussetts.
- The Mild Ones, the most polite (and efficient) cycle gang around.
- Drang Nach Iowa; what it was and why it failed.
- The Newark Police.
- The Pennsylvania Highway Authority.
- and more . . .
But The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide is more than just an atlas of the East Coast. It also contains the following useful material for fans of GURPS Autoduel and Car Wars:
- A complete rundown on EDSEL, the Eastern Driving Safety Enforcement League. Includes their philosophy, organization, equipment, tactics, and a state-by-state list of EDSEL chapters – complete with information on relative popularity, strength, and each chapter's leader.
- Campaign guidelines for GURPS Autoduel GMs, with advice for setting an adventure in any part of the East Coast.
- Complete helicopter rules for GURPS.
- Ten mini-adventures for GURPS or Car Wars, each set in a different part of the region.
- "Escape from Poughkeepsie," a complete adventure for GURPS Autoduel. Can you survive the bombed-out ruins, radioactive hot spots, and the "Townies" long enough to recover a disk lost for 25 years?

- The other AADA Road Atlas supplements:
- GURPS Autoduel – A world devastated by war, famine and despair . . . on lawless highways where the right of way goes to the biggest guns.
- GURPS Autoduel: Car Warriors – 36 pre-generated duellists, MONDOs, troopers, bikers, and dregs.
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

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